[Targeted] Discover: Add An Authorized User & Get $50 When You Make A Purchase

Update 7/31/24: Available again. Subject line is ‘You’re eligible, [Name]: Add an Authorized User to earn an extra $50 cash back’

Update 1/31/24: Another round has gone out, this time for $50. Subject line is ‘“get $50 Cashback Bonus® when you add an Authorized User’

Update 1/30/23: Deal is being sent out again today via email (discover@card-e.em.discover.com)

The Offer

Targeted offer sent out via e-mail, subject line is ‘This $25 cash back could be yours’

  • Discover is offering some cardholders a bonus of $25 when you add an authorized user and make a purchase (no minimum) by November 30, 2020

The Fine Print

  • Valid until November 30, 2020

Our Verdict

Better than previous Discover authorized user bonuses that required $3,000 in spend. Worth doing if targeted.

Hat tip to reader Hiep T

Update History:

  • Update 11/2/22: Deal is being sent out again today via email (discover@card-e.em.discover.com)
  • Update 7/28/22: Deal is back for a lot of people today via email. Only $25 this time. (ht Kyle)
  • Update 5/12/22: Deal is back and valid until 6/16/22. Subject line is Don’t miss out on $50 Cashback Bonus and bonus is $50 instead of $25. Some people also see a $25 bonus.
  • Update 1/26/22: Deal is back and valid until 3/21/22.
  • Update 10/28/21: Deal is back and valid until 12/20/21.
  • Update 7/31/21: Deal is back and valid until 9/22/21. Hat tip to FM
  • Update 3/18/21: Deal is back and valid again until 4/10/2021. Hat tip to reader Celia

View Comments (203)

  • 7/31 -- Got the $50 AU offer by email
    8/1 -- Added family member as AU on my account
    8/8 -- Made a local purchase with AU card
    8/25 -- Statement generated w/ $50 cashback bonus

    Card shows up on AU credit report with original 2006 card opening date so it won't impact their 5/24 slot

    Family member got the same $50 offer so I added myself to their card (shows up on my credit report with 2013 opening date) -- their statement generates mid-Sept so I'll check for bonus then (still need to make a purchase)

    I'll remove both AUs late Sept just in case the promo comes around again in the future

  • Would it be anywhere besides email - I get too much spam so I can't see if I got one or not

    • I suggest adding "discover@card-e.em.discover.com" to your safe sender or contact list.

      I saw no mention of the $50 AU offer anywhere other than the email Discover sent. Got one on 7/31 & another on 8/14. 8/14 Subj: "Earn $50 extra cash back and enjoy all the benefits of adding an Authorized User"

      This is my first time doing the offer, as it was only $25 before. My P2 did not get the offer.

      I guess if you really want to check you have the offer, reach out to support via phone, chat, or SM.

  • If I add my spouse as a user, will they be eligible for new customer/referral bonuses if they open a card in their own name later?

  • I wonder what triggers certain users to be targeted? Never got an email from them. I got a discover IT cc and a normal debit card with them.

  • Probably stupid question: does adding an authorized user affect the new user’s 5/24? I’m almost positive it does. But if so, why not just sign that user up for a new card and get a much larger bonus?

    • I had the same question. This is what I got based on what others said. Authorized user counts Chase's 5/24 as Chase system cannot tell. Some reported success (and some reported failure) to get approval after calling Chase to explain the authorized user account. I had this 50$ authorized user offer, and my cards also have 100$ referral offer (100$ for you and 100$ for a friend), so I will not use this 50$ authorized user. But it will be useful to have young kids (who are not eligible to apply cards on their own) as authorized users to help build their credit.

    • The card shows up on the AU's report with the original account opening date. If that is more than 24 months old then it doesn't actually impact 5/24. Additionally Chase will reconsider 5/24 impact of AU account if you call them, since the credit report will show it as AU account.

  • Question, why would you authorize someone other than a spouse to use your credit card for $50? Isn’t that like co-signing for misuse?

    • I was able to add myself as an AU (one card with middle inital, one without)...let's see if this succeeds or not.

    • They send the actual card to you. So you could easily do it with a friend, roommate, sibling etc. However that persons address will (forever? Or only 7y?) become associated with you in your credit report. If they start dodging creditors unrelated to your AU card you might find the creditors contacting you instead.