[Targeted] U.S. Bank Business Leverage Visa Card – 100,000 Point Bonus After $10,000 In Spend

The Offer

No direct link to offer, sent out via snail mail.

  • U.S. Bank is offering some people a targeted offer of 100,000 points after $10,000 in spend on the business leverage card

Card Details

  • nnual fee of $95 waived first year, employee cards are free
  • Card earns 2x points per $1 spent made in the top two categories where you spend the most each month, 1x points on all other purchases
  • Points don’t transfer to Flexperks or Altitude. Minimum redemption for statement credit is 5,000

Our Verdict

100,000 points is worth $1,000, so basically a 10% return on $10,000 in spend (plus the 1x points you’d normally earn). Previously the sign up bonus has been an extra 1x point per spend, up to $100,000 in spend. This is obviously a much better bonus. U.S. Bank business cards do not report to your personal report, so good for those staying under 5/24.

Hat tip to reader Julian B

View Comments (16)

  • Just got declined due to not enough gross net sales. $12,000 wasn't enough. Surprising because I've had multiple different US Bank Biz cards in the past.

  • I just applied. I received a pop-up screen that said that I will be notified in 7 to 10 business days. Should I call a second consideration phone number with USbank now? If so, what number?

  • Anyone can post the phone number on the letter? I got the letter but threw it away with all the thanksgiving mailers...

  • I wonder if this is transferable. Probably either moot or no since none on r/churningmarketplace.

  • how long do you have to spend the $10K? I mean: if i put all my CC spending on it Nov-Feb, that is do-able (taxes, etc)

  • This offer seems to be for 365 days; gives you a good amount of time for the fairly large spend requirement. I have the US Bank Business Cash Back World Elite Mastercard, think I will ask my banker about obtaining this card too (I don't seem to have been targeted) and will report back with my results.