Test Drive A New Kia & Receive A $25 Gift Card 2015

The Offer

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  • Test drive any new Kia and receive a $25 Kia Visa Prepaid gift card. You need to fill out the online form and get an original Kia dealer salesperson signature and unique personal priority code when you do your test drive.

The Fine Print

  • Valid until March 31st, 2015
  • Must be 18 years or older with a valid drivers license
  • One $25 gift card per household
  • Salesperson validation required
  • Limited to the first 10,000 certificates received
Already completed one of these deals in previous years?

Use a different e-mail address and you should be able to complete this offer as well.

Our Verdict

This is not as good as the Cadillac offers last year ($100 and 7,500 American Airline miles) but it’s still not bad. Kia also ran the same deal last year, which I completed. With previous deals if you were honest about not actually wanting to purchase a car, they would not make you do a test drive and still fill out the form. There is some risk in this though, so you might be safer actually doing the test drive.

This is also limited to the first 10,000 certificates they receive and it doesn’t look like they will tell people when this number is reached. I absolutely loathe promotions such as this, I think it’s a dishonest marketing angle that allows corporations to get something for nothing.

I’ll be completing this promotion, last year it only took me about 30 minutes. I’m more than happy making $50/hr when all I would have been doing otherwise is laying on the couch eating. You can find more free money for test driving opportunities here.

Direct link to offer | Screenshot of offer

Thanks to reader Lucy for letting me know about this deal. If you see something I should cover, contact me!

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