The Offer
- Signup for a new Amazon Prime subscription for $99 through the Topcashback shopping portal and get a free $15 Amazon gift card
The Fine Print
- Excludes existing Prime members
Our Verdict
Always nice to get a free gift card. Use your Discover card for 5% back this quarter.
Hat tip to Bryan
View Comments (5)
I earned over $1300 from Topcashback, but now they refuse to pay me, any suggestions?
Why are they refusing to pay?
wow, how desperate/clever people are to get savings of $10-$15 here and there? Mind boggling
Hmm....question. I know that sams club lets you reattach their store card and mastercard to a different membership (by alternating groupon or whatever deals each year with someone). I know if I did not renew my prime membership, my amazon prime store card would just downgrade to the regular store card.
Is there a way for my potentially downgraded store card to be attached to a new membership? If not, no biggie as I already got the targeted deal where you buy a 25/50+ amazon gc and get $10 free added. I did this with my discover currently enrolled in double cash back. I already have that set as the primary card to be billed for membership, which would in essence only be $90ish, and $80 if you count the 10 free from the gift card load promo. But I would rather sign up for a new membership through top cash back, get $15, and pay for the membership with my discover. Thoughts?
You can attach your Amazon-branded credit card to any account you like, even multiple ones. Just enter it as a new payment method.