U.S. Bank Business Cash Rewards $500 Sign Up Bonus

This is now called the Triple Cash Card, still has a $500 bonus.

Update 2/11/21: Deal is back, this time the spend requirement is lower at $3,000. Timeframe for spend is 90 days this time. Hat tip to dankirk0

Deal has now ended and is no 3% back up to $500 maximum.

Update 4/2/20: Deal is back. Hat tip to reader Ryan

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • U.S. Bank is offering a bonus of $500 after $4,500 in spend within the first 150 days on the U.S. Bank Business Cash Rewards World Elite Mastercard


Card Details

  • No annual fee
  • Card earns 3% cash back on cellular, gas and office supply store
  • Card earns 1% cash back on all other purchases
  • An annual bonus equal to 25% of your prior year’s Cash Rewards will be awarded following your Cash Rewards enrollment anniversary date, up to $250
  • Free employee cards
  • No cash back maximum, no expiration on the cash back

Our Verdict

Previously this card was called the Business Cash Edge card and you could get a bonus of $200 on each employee card for a total of $2,200. That bonus was obviously much better, but I don’t think we will ever see anything like that again. The standard bonus on this card is $200, so this $500 offer is significantly higher than that. , U.S. Bank does not report business cards to the personal bureau, so this is useful for people trying to stay under 5/24. Check out these 22 Things Everybody Should Know About US Bank Credit Cards before applying.

I’ll be adding this to our list of the best business credit card bonuses because I do think this is a strong cash offer and I doubt we see any repeat of the massive $2,200 bonus that had been possible.

Hat tip to bambinone

View Comments (449)

  • Another DP that card is churnable - approved march, cancel june, approved jul

    For "business" 5 years $5K, have USB personal checking relationship

  • 5/12 applied
    5/21 email notify that card is approved. $10k CL. Called and asked for expedite shipping of card, CSR said it'd be $15 fee.
    5/28 Card finally arrived in the mail. Slow but fairly smooth process.

    *Now interestingly I see this plastiq promo at the bottom of the statement (yes 1st statement, dated 5/27, already issued even before the card arrived).


    The Plastiq fee is waived on your first $5,000 in Plastiq payments – a savings of up to $142*.

    Enroll by 12/31/2021

    *Savings will be automatically reflected when making a Plastiq payment for new Plastiq customers only.

    Too good to be true? Anyone knows about this I would love to hear your opinions.

  • Confirmed. This IS churnable. First card opened 01/24/19, closed 2/12/21.
    New card 3/11/21. Bonus posted 05/21/21 when new statement came out.

  • I was approved on Feb 26 (for the $500 offer with $3000 minimum spend). I exceeded my minimum spend (by a substantial amount) on May 10. That's the date that the purchase posted. My last statement was May 6 -- as of May 7 I had not yet met my minimum spend.

    QUESTION: How long has it taken for other people to get the bonus?

    Does it typically happen on the next statement, which in my case would be June 6?

    • Similar situation here. After hitting the spending limit, under "rewards details" I see $500 "bonus rewards since last statement". I expect it to be posted and redeemable at my next statement closing.

  • This is not on the list for best bonus for Business cards. Is there a bug because further down in the log it is listed as being added?

  • This used to be on the best list. Its a better offer now than it was before, so I think it probably deserves being on the list again.

      • The US Bank leverage card is $750, and Bank of america recently came out with $750. I dont think there were two US banks at $750. No record of it on the best list.

  • Turned down for lack of business credit history. Well I have had a lot of business credit cards. So not sure about that.

  • 3/1 Applied and went pending
    3/2 Email notification of approval
    3/8 Received card and followed instruction to activate

    Strangely, received an automated phone call claiming from U.S. Bank saying I need to activate the new card, and asked me to enter the credit card number. Never had this happened for any credit card, I hang up at that point thinking it was a phishing attempt. If true, this means there's likely a data breach. Anyone has similar experience?

    • I had this happen to me too. Activated the card as soon as I got it, but then a couple of days later got a phone call, then an email and got a message about activation in online banking. Went through online activation to get rid of it. Clearly there is a disconnect between the actual status of activation and queued up batch alerts that go out automatically.

    • No, super strange. I would call US Bank and report the incidence. No bank should call a customer to activate a card.

  • Has anyone tried having this card rushed to them - did they do it and did it cost anything?