Walgreens: No Purchase Fee On American Express Gift Cards

The Offer

Direct link to offer (p13)

  • American Express gift cards have a $0 purchase price at Walgreens until November 19th, 2016

The Fine Print

  • Valid until November 19th, 2016
  • Promo not valid in VT

Our Verdict

Might be useful for people that still need to spend $1,500 on the Chase Freedom for the 5% bonus at drugstores, other cards that earn at a high rate on drugstore purchases can be viewed here. Reader Jeff H also states you need to input your Walgreens Balance Rewards membership to get the fee waiver.

Hat tip to Stars09 on slickdeals


View Comments (19)

  • Considering I am waiting for the other GC promos coming up (BB&B and OD), this one actually will be ok, too, but only because of the no fee.

  • I'm trying to decide whether it's better to buy one of these and liquefy it organically, or buy a Visa or MasterCard and buy a money order.

    Let's assume I buy a $500 card with my 5% Chase Freedom.

    Amex $500 * 5% = $25 profit

    Visa/MC $500 * 5% + $5.95 * 5% - $5.95 - $0.70 = $18.65
    Plus the opportunity to spend $500 on my Chase Freedom Unlimited elsewhere: $500 * 1.5% = $7.50
    $18.65 + $7.50 = $26.15 profit

    I'm guessing the $1.15 difference would be eaten up by gas...

      • Have you previously tried doing split transactions as credit at OD/OM? Does their POS system auto-drain the card as credit and then require add'l payment?
        Thanks for the DP.

      • Obviously you don't have an Ink card, else you'd use that for the OD/OM deal.

        Since most ways of liquidating gift cards require a PIN, Amex gift cards aren't so useful.

        • I used the Freedom card at Walgreens which @ 5% UR is the same thing for a card that does not give that rate at OM.

          No I do NOT have INK, but I do have a new to me competitive card that will give 5 ppd spent. I do NOT want to set alarms and have it killed. I was gong to mix the sales.

          AFIK, yes, OM/OD will flush the AMEX GC and indicate a balance due.

    • Up to $500.00 - yes. Sign on GC display limits purchase to $500.00 per GC brand per day. I was successful going to two locations. Both checked ID vs CC, No bid deal. Walgreen Balance Rewards number required or GC fee automatically rings up. Manager cannot override AFIK

        • Depends if store enforces the $500.00 per brand per day max purchase rule on the GC display. I bought one card at each of two stores close to each other. Do you have other WGs near each other?

    • In the LA area Walgreens has not accepted credit cards for these types of purchases for well over a year. Very rarely you can get a Rite-Aid cashier who is cooperative. And CVS is fine as long as you don't exceed their daily limit (not sure of the amount, I think it's $1200). But no Walgreens.