[YMMV] Walmart+: $15 Off $50+ With Promo Code MORE4ME15

Update 6/20/22: Another code MORE4ME15. Works until 6/23/22

Update 1/14/22: Another code SHIP45.

Update 1/11/22: There is another code NEWYEAR45 that might work for some people.

The Offer

  • Walmart+ members can get $15 off $50+ with promo code SHIP15.

The Fine Print

  • Expires 1/31/22
  • Valid on next three orders

Our Verdict

Good deal if you’re making Walmart+ orders anyway.

View Comments (65)

  • Worked for me, thanks! Picked up some diapers and peanut butter…the essentials in my household. (Walmart+ membership free with Amex Plat.)

  • I was targeted for the First one and This one. MORE4ME10 worked last week but MORE4ME15 does not work for me even though i was targeted via email.

  • Does anyone know why none of these work for me? I'm wondering if I have ineligible products or if it only works for the people they sent it to. Any help would be appreciated.

      • I get Walmart + from Amex. Didn’t get any email on this or any other ones.

        Walmart + is a joke. This is their response to prime. Unreal. What a joke of a company.

    • It's targeted. If you did not receive any communication, likely you're not targeted. For me, one code did not work, the other one works. I received postcard for this second one. Seems to work on any item sold by Walmart, including PS5.

  • FYI you can, with grocery orders, place the order with the $50 minimum to apply the promo and then remove items after ordering and keep the full $15 discount. Basically the same as what happens when they are inevitably out of stock on items you ordered.