Update 6/20/22: Another code MORE4ME15. Works until 6/23/22
Update 1/14/22: Another code SHIP45.
Update 1/11/22: There is another code NEWYEAR45 that might work for some people.
The Offer
- Walmart+ members can get $15 off $50+ with promo code SHIP15.
The Fine Print
- Expires 1/31/22
- Valid on next three orders
Our Verdict
Good deal if you’re making Walmart+ orders anyway.
View Comments (65)
Worked for me, thanks! Picked up some diapers and peanut butter…the essentials in my household. (Walmart+ membership free with Amex Plat.)
MORE4ME15 Did not work for me
Sorry, you are not eligible for this promo
Not valid for me
I was targeted for the First one and This one. MORE4ME10 worked last week but MORE4ME15 does not work for me even though i was targeted via email.
MORE4ME15 doesnt work for me says promo code invalid
same for me
it didn't work for me.
Walmart needs to try harder to beat Instacart
Jack needs to try harder to get upvotes
Anyone know if you can have 3 separate ~$50 orders at Walmart.com at the same time?
Does anyone know why none of these work for me? I'm wondering if I have ineligible products or if it only works for the people they sent it to. Any help would be appreciated.
It was mailed to the customers who subscribe to the Walmart+ Delivery Membership.
I get Walmart + from Amex. Didn’t get any email on this or any other ones.
Walmart + is a joke. This is their response to prime. Unreal. What a joke of a company.
It's targeted. If you did not receive any communication, likely you're not targeted. For me, one code did not work, the other one works. I received postcard for this second one. Seems to work on any item sold by Walmart, including PS5.
FYI you can, with grocery orders, place the order with the $50 minimum to apply the promo and then remove items after ordering and keep the full $15 discount. Basically the same as what happens when they are inevitably out of stock on items you ordered.
Worked three times with AT&T prepaid cards (email delivery). Received the mailer for SHIP45.