[Expired] Wells Fargo $200 Checking Bonus – Available Nationwide

This deal has now expired, there is another $200 Wells Fargo checking bonus and it doesn’t require a direct deposit. More information here.

Confirmed as nationwide. It seems that RI & LA zip codes won’t work but if you put in another zip it will work and then you can enter your real mailing address during sign up. YMMV if this ends up with you getting the bonus or not.

Offer at a glance

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Receive a sign up bonus of $200 when you open a new Everyday checking account with Wells Fargo and complete the following requirements:
    • Set up direct deposit and receive at least 3 consecutive monthly direct deposits of $500 or more within 150 days of account opening

The Fine Print

  • You cannot be:
    • A current owner on a Wells Fargo consumer checking account
    • A Wells Fargo team member
    • A recipient of a consumer checking bonus in the past 12 months (limit one bonus per customer)
  • A qualifying direct deposit is the customer’s salary, pension, Social Security, or other regular monthly income of an accumulated $500 or more, electronically deposited through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network to this checking account by your employer or an outside agency.
  • A non-qualifying direct deposit is transfers from one account to another or deposits made at a branch or ATM
  • During this time, your new account balance must be $1.00 or more.
  • All bank account bonuses are treated as income/interest and as such you have to pay taxes on them

Geographic Eligibility

Not sure if this is geographically restricted like previous offers. I tried a few major places (Los Angeles/NYC) and they all worked whereas last time they didn’t. You have to enter your zip code when you click the link so it’s easy to tell if your area is eligible or not.

Avoiding Fees

Monthly Fees

The Everyday Checking account comes with a $10 monthly fee. Get the fee waived with one of the following:

  • 10 debit card purchases and/or payments each statement cycle from this checking account, OR
  • Direct deposits totaling $500 or more each statement cycle, OR
  • Maintain a $1,500 minimum daily balance, OR
  • Link checking account to a Wells Fargo Campus ATM or Campus Debit Card

If you have a Wells mortgage, you might be able to get a higher-level account with no fees.

Early Account Termination Fee

There is no early account termination fee.

Our Verdict

This is probably the worst variation of this offer, previous $200 deals didn’t require a direct deposit and they have offered $250 and $300 in the past as well. That being said nationwide deals like this from Wells Fargo are rare. Wells Fargo isn’t exactly strict when it comes to what counts as a direct deposit either. Another advantage of going for this bonus is that Wells Fargo usually likes you having some sort of relationship with them before approving you for a credit card. Because of all that I do recommend going for this bonus and I’ll be adding it to the best checking bonuses.

Big thanks to reader, CJ who let us know. Learn how to find bonuses and contribute to the site here.

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View Comments (339)

  • DP: For Wells Fargo Bank (Personal Everyday Checking)

    $400 Bonus

    [Requirements]: $3k in monthly DD's for 3 consecutive months within 150 days from account opening.

    Account Opened: 07/29/2019 ($25 initial deposit)
    DD #1: $1000 push from Discover (08/26/2019)
    DD #2: $2000 push from Discover (08/27/2019)
    DD #3: $3000 push from Discover (09/19/2019)
    DD #4: $3000 push from Discover (10/08/2019)
    Bonus Posted ($400): PROMOTION BONUS (10/17/2019)

  • Another DP:Fidelity ACH to Wells Fargo still works, did 3 consecutive $500 transfers and bonus posted on 02/21- strange that I noticed that only today -I used to monitor this account frequently not sure how I missed that posting -or they could have posted on backdated.
    But nevertheless this is a good news as I had left all hope and was thinking to close this account but good that bonus posted finally.

  • Aonther DP to share.

    I finally received my $200 bonus as well. So happy!! I did ACH transfer from Citibank for 6 months starting in September 2018. Bonus posted on 2/21/2019...seems like several other people also received their bonus on the same day. Kudos!!!

  • 9/3 Created account
    9/18 Fidelity ACH of $501.23
    10/17 Fidelity ACH of $501.23
    11/14 Fidelity ACH of $501.23
    2/21 Bonus posted

  • Another DP for bonus posting 2/21. Account opened 8/27. I did a lot of transfers, not sure what triggered the bonus. I did do 3 consecutive Paypal transfers, that could be it. Also pushes from Capital One and Ally.

    • I don't see any trial deposits in my transaction history. I can't remember how I verified the account.

  • I applied for the account on 9/18. Transfered $500 every month from a Schwab brokerage account and bonus finally posted on 2/21.

  • Opened 08/26/2018
    ACH Push from Alliant 10/10, 11/07, 12/04
    Bonus posted 02/20/19

    Did not return the tax form originally sent (just forgot, not because I refused to send it).