[Expired] Wells Fargo Visa Signature 20,000 Point Bonus – Worth $300 Towards Airfare & 5x On Gas, Grocery, Drugstores

This bonus has expired and is no longer available. Click here to see a list of the best current credit card bonuses.

The Offer

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  • Wells Fargo is currently offering a bonus of 20,000 points after $1,000 in spend within the first three months

Card Details

  • Card earns at the following rates:
  • No annual fee
  • Points are worth an extra 50% when redeemed for airfare (e.g $300 points is worth $450 towards airfare)
  • Cell Phone Protection

Our Verdict

I mentioned that Wells Fargo has increased the sign up bonus on some of their cards to $200, but thought this card in particular was worth singling out for two reasons:

  • It offers 5x on gas, grocery and drugstores within the first six months. It’s no longer possible to put high spend through these categories, but you can still put some spend towards them.
  • Points are worth an additional 50% when redeeming for airfare. Flights must be booked through Go Far Rewards. The cost of the ticket is divided by 0.015 and then rounded up to the nearest whole point.

The good thing is that the Wells Fargo Propel World card also earns these Go Far Rewards points (and you can still get a 40,000 point sign up bonus on that card). That means rather than getting $400 in cash with that bonus you could get up to $600 in airfare (combined with another $300 in airfare with this card).

In addition to this there is a hidden benefit of this card where you actually get 1.75x per point towards airfare when you spend $50,000 or more in a year. Like most bank travel portals, some airlines aren’t bookable (e.g Southwest), they also used to charge a $24 fee per airline ticket but this stopped being charged on July 1st, 2016.

As always before applying for this or any other Wells Fargo card make sure you read through these things everybody should know. We will also be adding this to our list of the best credit card sign up bonuses currently available.



View Comments (65)

  • Does anyone have any knowledge on how to increase the chance to get approved for the signature vs the platinum version of this card? I'm planning to apply to get the 1.5x travel benefit. Thanks.

    • open a checking account with them and deposit some money regularly. I did the 400 bonus for checking account and was able to open visa signature subsequently.

  • does anyone see the 20,000 point bonus or has anyone received one recently? I don't see the 20,000 online anymore, so wondering if anyone has got it by going in to the branch or over the phone?

  • Terms now read "5x points on gas, grocery, and drugstore net purchases for 6 months on up to $12,500 spent"

    Fine print: "Five rewards points (1 base plus 4 bonus) are earned for every $1 spent in net purchases (purchases minus returns/credits) during the first six months, from the date the credit card account is opened, at retailers whose merchant code for Visa is classified as grocery stores, drugstores, and gas stations. The maximum amount of bonus points you can earn under this promotion is 50,000 (which is $12,500 in net purchases), regardless of how much you purchase or how many transactions you make during the promotional period."

    Anyone recently apply to confirm? Being limited to $12,500 in spend over 6 months is a huge blow to the 5x on this card.

  • I am kind of confused. If I apply to and get the Propel card and this card can I combine points or do I have to choose 1 card or the other. I am really interested in the Wells Fargo cards for the cell insurance

  • I got mine in April of this year. Pretty sad credit limit of $6k, but it was something like my 30th card in the past 12 months so I guess I can't complain too much. :)

    My plan was to charge no more than the limit for the first few months, then beat it like a rented mule for the last 2-3 and cash out the points before they caught on.

    I bought a few groceries, but mostly Vanillas from CVS, up to the credit limit each month. I got the "knock it off" letter after just a couple of months. My bonus (5x) points posted as the same time as the regular points, but weren't available for 2-3 weeks until after the charge. I've stopped using the card entirely and was able to cash out only $875. I have not received my initial spending bonus though but the 3 month mark is coming up fast so maybe they'll post on the next statement.

    After I get the bonus points and cash them out, I don't have much use for the card. I'll toss it in the drawer and forget about it.

  • Anybody get their bonus points yet? Met mininum spend at beginning of 6/2017 (two statement cycles ago) and nothing yet.

    • Propel World for me took 3 full statements (that has at least *some* activity on it, so that the statement is actually generated).

  • I applied and got the approval message. Then I received an email confirmation saying that I applied for the visa signature and was approved. A few days later a new card showed up on my wells fargo account but was listed as "platinum card."

    I know the terms on the signature card says that "You agree that we may consider you for a Visa Platinum card if you do not qualify for the Visa Signature card." But then why did they say I was approved?! Something like "signature rejected but platinum approved" would have been so much better; or are they purposely trying to be misleading?

    Also, does anyone know if this disqualifies me from the 20000 bonus, the 5x for first six months, and/or the redeem for travel at 1.5x?

    • I'm in the same boat. I haven't got my card yet, but saw it under my WF login that it was a "PLATINUM" vs Signature. I will certainly be doing some calling once I get the card to clarify.

      I have heard the main difference is that Signature is allowed to go over the credit limit without penalty, and "PLATINUM" is not. Based on someone's comments above, the bonus and rewards are just the same, they said they had that confirmation via WF Chat.

      VA - EQ pull... not Transunion, like CC DB would have me to believe.

      • It seems with the Platinum the points are only worth $0.01 per point for travel, not the $0.015 per point available with the Signature.

        I also applied for the Signature and received the Platinum; if anyone has any different experience, please shout.

  • If I apply for this card and world propel i get both the bonuses right? There is no 16 month restriction right?

  • My first statement cycled and I did not earn 5x points on my grocery purchases. I didn't spend a lot on groceries, probably only $200 or $300.

    Called them up and was told they opened a case for them to look into it. Their CSRs tell me they do not see the 5x point offer on my card, but do see the 20000 points after 1000 spend.

    • I talked to a rep on this last week after noticing the same. She seemed new and a bit confused, but said that the 5x bonus points would come through in 6 months (I'm assuming in a lump sum).

      • Just called about this same issue and the CSR confidently answered that the 5x points show up after 6 months. The promo bonus shows up after 1-2 statement cycles.

      • I did get a call back from them regarding the case and was told that the offer is on the account, and the bonus points would be getting credited 'some time' in the future but no specific as to exactly when. If what they told you was true, having to wait 6 months, that seems crazy. Every other credit card I've used always grant you the bonus points each month when the statement cycles.