The Offer
Direct Link to offer (affiliate link)
- Amazon is offering $10 off when you add your Discover card to Amazon and use promo code ADDCARD10 at checkout.
- Some people also have an offer for $20 off with promo code DISCOVER20
The Fine Print
- Expires 12/3/2020.
- Minimum $10.01 purchase required.
- Must spend $10 credit within 30 days.
- Offer not available to anyone who removed and re-added card after 9/4/20.
- Full fine print can be found in image above.
Our Verdict
Similar deal as before but with a different link and promo code, so might be worth considering. There are similar offers for Mastercard, American Express, and debit cards. We will also add this to our list of ways to saving money on Amazon.
View Comments (6)
I didn’t read carefully that the code expired on Dec 3. I read 30 days and thought that I can take advantage of this for 30 days from Nov 26. This is now dead. 😞
Got a Google ad on the ny times site. $15 off for making Discover the default method. TOS says you have to be targeted by email or advertisement. I think that you need the full link bc it says that I'm not eligible when I remove the tracking info from the link. @will
Added that link here
Is this a $10 credit for future purchase or straight $10 off ?
The headline reads as discount but the fine print says otherise.
DP: I used DISCOVER20 yesterday on Thanksgiving. Refreshed on the page this morning and I'm now seeing ADDCARD10 working as well. :)
Thanks. Got this offer and used it.