[YMMV, Business Cards Only] AmEx Offer: Spend $250, Receive $75 x 5 At: Staples, Home Depot & More

The Offer

  • Receive a $75 statement credit when you use an American Express card that is enrolled in this offer and spend $250 or more at one of the following stores in a single purchase: BevMo, Gordon Food Service, The Home Depot, Jetro/Restaurant Depot, Staples, or Total Wine & More

The Fine Print

  • Valid until August 14th, 2015
  • Excludes phone orders
  • In store purchases only

Our Verdict

This offer seems to be mostly available on American Express business cards and only on the primary cards (not authorized users). This is an extremely profitable offer as both Staples and Home Depot offer gift cards which you can flip for a profit. Staples is also offering a lucrative promotion starting this Sunday which would make this deal even more profitable.

See these posts to learn more about Amex Offers:

View Comments (11)

  • I dropped my AMEX cards because they were always cheating me on these offers, I would have to call them and ended up always talking to reps in Phils or India that gave me a headache. No more AMEX for me!

  • do you have an iphone? i think the offers only appear on the apple devices not android.

  • I found the offer (today) on All 3 of my business cards when I used the Mobile App; yet when I logged into amex dot com - none of those cards had the offer showing. Wasn't sure if folks were aware of this fact - makes it worth it to download the App (thereby achieving precisely what they want). Only "problem" is I imagine it will now only attach to 1 of the cards :).

  • The offer also says:" Limit 5 statement credits."

    Does this mean five time the $75 credit with the $250 purchase?

  • Got the offer on my SPG business card and added promptly - thanks for the heads up!

    What's the best way to parlay this offer for maximum return? Also, Staples or Home Depot?

    Thanks again!

    • Depends what ur buying. I dont think HD sells $200 VGCs, which I think would be the easiest way to play this. Plus, there is that SPLS offer next week.

  • It is sent/set by the marketing team at Amex. Idk what the algo is but I haven't received a lucarative offer like this in about a year and finally got a good one. Thank you Amex, good thing staples has that visa offer deal this week

  • Don't feel too bad, I think the vast majority didn't get any of these offers. I would love to know the amex algorithm that doles these out.

    • you are going to thank me later,,, Its so simple, this is the algorithm.
      If you have at-least purchased a single item or at least one single transaction with that store in the past one year using your AMEX card, then you will get that offer.