[Expired] [CA only] BluPeak (Formerly USE Credit Union) $300 Checking Bonus

Update 11/2/23: New terms are as follows:

  • Open a new Free Checking with eStatement, Premier Checking, or Student Checking account and get a $25 bonus one week later.
  • Set up direct deposits totaling $5000 or more and get a $275 bonus 180 days after opening your account

Update 11/1/23: Terms have changed, will update post soon.

Update 10/23/23: New $300 bonus:

  • $100 after opening
  • another $200 after one direct deposit
  • New promo code is Purpose

Should also be nationwide if you donate $5.00 to KPBS. This cannot be stacked with a referral according to terms, so do not share your referrals in the comments below.

Hat tip to SA

Update 12/28/22: Now called BluPeak.

Update 3/30/22: There is now a landing page for this offer, should be available to all rather than specific addresses now. Hat tip to redvwmicrobus

Offer at a glance

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • USE Credit Union is offering a $300 checking bonus when you use the promo code NewMover. Bonus is broken down as follows:
    • $50 for opening a new checking account
    • $50 for setting up direct deposit of $250+ per month within 90 days of account opening
    • $100 for keeping account open six months (direct deposit must continue monthly)
    • $100 for keeping your account open one year (direct deposit must continue monthly)


The Fine Print

  • Must be 18 years of age
  • Member must use code NewMover at account opening to receive this offer.
  • Bonus payments subject to tax
  • Must be a new USE Credit Union member and meet membership eligibility and account opening criteria
  • All bank account bonuses are treated as income/interest and as such you have to pay taxes on them

Avoiding Fees

Monthly Fees

This account has no monthly fees to worry about.

Early Account Termination Fee

$15 fee if closed within 90 days of account opening according to the fee schedule.

Our Verdict

Previously the best bonus was a $100 referral bonus. Obviously this $300 bonus is much better but we don’t know if this is somehow targeted to specific addresses and mixed datapoints of hard/soft pull. Because of that we won’t be adding this to the best checking bonuses for now.

Hat tip to Angela L

Useful posts regarding bank bonuses:

View Comments (1565)

  • 03/27 - opened account using promo code “Welcome”
    04/03 - $25 promo added to account
    04/19 - $XXX direct deposit
    05/03 - $XXX direct deposit
    05/17 - $XXX direct deposit
    05/31 - $XXX direct deposit
    06/14 - $XXX direct deposit
    09/23 - $275 promo added to account (exactly 180 days after account opening)

    Will close the account soon

    Also, the fee schedule as of 9/1 doesn’t have any EATF @William Charles

  • I signed up for the “NewMover” promo back in September of 2023. I just logged into my BluPeak account and saw that the final $100 part of the bonus posted after my account had been open for 1 day short of 1 year.

    I had monthly $250+ DDs from Fidelity and TD throughout the year. It is more likely that TD, rather than Fidelity, worked for the bonus.

    • How were the TD deposits coded?

      My TD deposits show:

      9/25 'ACH Deposit/APA TREAS #### MISC PAY 092524

      10/12 'ACH Deposit/APA TREAS #### MISC PAY 101524 PPD

      9/25 Deposit will NOT count since 'PPD' is missing?

      • I just checked the last 3 times that TD posted a DD to my BP account. On none of the times was "PPD" mentioned at all so I don't think it's important at all. What makes you think that it is?

        • Somehow got this vague/baseless idea that only those deposits coding as "PPD" work for bonus.
          Thank you much for your positive dp (without it!!)

  • The Spam filter on Gmail is completely out of control. An automated email from BP notifying me that they received my SM went into my Spam folder this morning.

    • I think it says $5,000 on the landing page, but when you actually go to fund it, it only allows $1,500. It's been like that for a while now.

    • From what a little birdie told me.... Yes. But what goes up must come down.. It wasn't that long ago they were denying credit card funding.

  • Are you guys interpreting the new offer below to mean that current members can sign up IF they didn't have a ck acct after July 8, 2023 and IF they open a new loan, sav, CD, or money mkt, along w a new ck acct? Thinking of closing the ck acct and just leaving sav open so that if they offer this later, I'll qual. Tried confirming w a rep who initially didn't know, but suddenly became an expert after he tried to interpret the terms. He thinks that it's only for new customers. I disagree. They could have just written the terms incorrectly, which is what I was trying to confirm when I called. But, what is your take on it?...Just noticed that they even misspelled the promo code once. 🤦‍♂️

    Relevant terms:
    2. Must be 18 years of age or older at enrollment. Limit one promotion per member and per qualifying consumer checking account.
    3. Must NOT have held a BluPeak consumer checking account since July 8, 2023, must meet all membership and account criteria, and must OPEN a NEW consumer checking account using the promotion code “SPASH” at account opening.

    Enter the promotion code “SPLASH” in the online new account opening workflow or mention the promotion code “SPLASH” to the BluPeak new account representative during in person account opening to enroll in the promotion. Must maintain a balance of at least $.01 in the checking product at the time of each payout evaluation to qualify for each bonus.4. Must meet account opening criteria and OPEN a NEW savings product (savings, money market, certificate) or NEW loan product within the same membership as the checking account within 90 days after opening the checking account...

    • I can see why you think that it's churnable based on the date provided. However, they wrote "must meet all membership and account criteria", which implies that they only want new members. Based on the written terms, someone that previously had a checking account probably would qualify though.

      BTW, I couldn't help but notice how they made a typo on the promo code under #3. It's unreal how many small "big" errors that these FIs make. They need better editing.

      • Okay, the "membership criteria" is a good callout. Sounds like it's intended for new members. Still closing the ck acct just in case. Will just keep the HYS or money mkt, which I actually like.

        And, yes, they do need to work on their presentation. I've noticed that w other things on their site.

  • 1/29 Opened Free Checking with eStatements account with WELCOME promo code
    2/2 $25 bonus posted
    2/20 $1000+ ACH Payment from Chase biz
    2/22 $1000+ ACH Payment from Chase biz
    2/28 $1000+ ACH Payment from Chase biz
    3/12 $1000+ ACH Payment from Chase biz
    3/21 $1000+ ACH Payment from Chase biz
    7/24 $275 bonus posted

    Funded with $1500 from Citi AA, coded as purchase

    Most of my cash at the time was tied up, so I did a bunch of $1000+ DDs in a short period instead of one larger DD.

  • Any issues with P1 employer direct deposit into P2 account? Married but different last names.

    • You would be setting yourself up for failure...

      "Must receive at least three (3) qualifying Direct Deposits (as defined below) totaling $3,000 or more in an accountholder’s name..."