[Expired][MO, KS, IL, OK & CO] Commerce Bank $200 Checking & $100 Money Market Bonus – No Requirements

This bonus has expired, but plenty of other great checking bonuses. Click here to view the best ones still active.

Originally posted on September 24th, 2017. Reposting on November 20th, 2017 as the bonus is back. Account does need to be kept open for six months to get bonus now. Hat tip to reader Nathan.

Offer at a glance

  • Maximum bonus amount: $200 for checking + $100 for money market
  • Availability: Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma and Colorado
  • Direct deposit required: No
  • Additional requirements: Account in good standing
  • Hard/soft pull: Soft pull
  • ChexSystems: Unknown
  • Credit card funding: None
  • Monthly fees: $20 + $6, avoidable
  • Early account termination fee: None
  • Household limit: One
  • Expiration date: July 8th, 2017 September 22nd, 2017 October 6th, 2017 November 30th, 2017

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Open a new CommerceRelationship checking account and receive a bonus of $200
  • Open a new Money Market account and receive an additional $100 when you deposit $10,000.



The Fine Print

  • Limited time offer. To receive the $200 and $100 incentives, your CommerceRelationship Checking and Premium Money Market Account or CommerceOptionsSM Premium Money Market Account must be opened by November 30, 2017, and must be in good standing 6 months after opening.
  • Both incentives credited the next month to your CommerceRelationship Checking account.
  • Both incentives will be reported as interest to the IRS. Maximum total incentive $300.
  • Minimum balance requirement of $10,000 in the Money Market Account to receive the $100 incentive.

Avoiding Fees

I wasn’t able to find the fee schedule so unsure if an early account termination fee is charged or not. According to this comment none is charged.

CommerceRelationship Checking $20 Fee

The monthly fee on this account is waived if  you have:

  • $5,000 average daily balance in this account OR
  • $15,000 in combined deposit balances

myRewards Money Market $6 Fee

The monthly fee on this account is waived if  you have:

  • $500 daily balance OR
  • $1,000 average daily balance for the monthly cycle each month OR
  • at least one monthly electronic deposit, including Online Banking transfers, of $25 or more

Our Verdict

This is a fantastic offer and it’s great that the bonus is showing on the landing page now. There is nothing in the fine print that says it’s targeted, so it should be open to everybody. Money Market account requires it to be opened in branch and requires a $10,000 deposit so I don’t think that is worth considering (seems like you’d need to keep $10,000 deposited for four months as well) but the checking bonus is great as it has no real requirements apart from the $5,000 to keep the account fee free. They also offer a credit card of little interest.

I will be adding the checking bonus to our list of the best checking account sign up bonuses.


Big thanks to reader, Chris J who let us know. Learn how to find bonuses and contribute to the site here.

Useful posts regarding bank bonuses:

View Comments (139)

  • I opened the checking account before the November expiration date but have not had the $200 bonus deposited despite it being over 6 months now. Reaching out over secure message has not helped, they stated my account was not targeted for the bonus despite living in one of the states. Any suggestions to get them to pay up?

  • https://commercebank.com/Check200

    New expiration date of April 26, 2018.

    "Get $150 for opening a new CommerceRelationship Checking account and an additional $50 for also adding a new Savings account, for a total of $200.1

    Hurry! Offer expires April 26, 2018."

  • Located in one of the targeted states, but I did not received the targeted flyer in the mail
    Sept 28, 2017: Opened account
    Sept 29, 2017: Called Bank to verify bonus attached to account
    Oct 1-15, 2017: Several bank reps said only customers who have received targeted flyer in the mail are eligible for bonus
    Jan 24, 2017: Received $200 Bonus
    Verdict: This bonus is YMMV for non-targeted applicants

    • I opened my account a few days before you and they said I am not eligible for the bonus because I opened it after the expiration date. I have a local branch.

      • IMAO this bonus is YMMV if one did receive a targeted flyer in the mail. I do have a branch nearby but I did not receive the targeted flyer, so I consider myself lucky to have received this bonus.

  • Welp, finally have a DP:

    8/22 - opened checking online with P08300 code
    9/8 - initial $100 deposit posted (sent Bill Pay from Ally as debit load failed)
    9/19 - ACH'd over some extra funds to keep balance >$100 after mo. service fees
    11/24 - first mo. service charge
    12/22 - second mo. service charge
    ** get told I'm ineligible for bonus a couple times over SM and phone for weird reasons (e.g. min. balance not >$5k, initial deposit didn't post immediately) that are not consistent with terms; submit CFPB complaint **
    1/12 - receive bonus

    Despite all the misinformation from Commerce, CS reps were nice and tried to help. There seemed to be lots of internal confusion about this being a branch vs. corporate bonus.

    To close account, ACH out all funds and account will auto-close after one statement cycle with $0 balance (no fees will accrue); or, go into branch.

    • Did you have to provide any screenshot for CFPB complaint? I started the complaint a bit but did not see any listed options matched the non-receiving bonus for new account opening.

    • Opened Account 09/02, deposited $5k.

      01/07:NO BONUS, contacted customer server
      01/18: Customer service wants copy of offer, replied I have trashed it.

      Waiting for reply.

      tldr: Don't waste time with this offer.

      • Yep I just contacted them and they told me I am not eligible because the account was open past the expiration date. I know that the original offer expired on September 22 and then got extended until October 5. So I opened my account on Sept. 25 and now they said this.

    • I think you need a special code or something, when you click get started now it just redirects you to the relationship checking page?

  • I saved the entire webpage when I opened my account. I can print it out and show it to a teller, or mail it in. Maybe I will try the teller approach first (faster).

    Will post DP after I visit one (or more) tellers.

    Here's the offer when I signed up in August (note: there is no indication that the offer was targeted!):

    Get up to $300 for opening a CommerceRelationship Checking account + a Money Market account1
    Our new CommerceRelationship Checking account was designed to be as unique as you. Open a new CommerceRelationship Checking account, and enjoy $200 plus an additional $100 for opening a new Money Market account1 at the same time.

    Offer expires September 22, 2017


    Limited time offer. To receive the $200 and $100 incentive, your CommerceRelationship Checking and Premium Money Market Account or CommerceOptionsSM Premium Money Market Account must be opened by September 22, 2017, and must be in good standing a full 90 days after opening. Both incentives credited the next month to your CommerceRelationship Checking account. Both incentives will be reported as interest to the IRS. Maximum total incentive $300.Minimum balance requirement of $10,000 in the Money Market Account to receive the $100 incentive. Annual percentage yield (APY) on CommerceOptionsSM Premium Money Market Account as of June 30, 2017 is .07% APY on balances up to $24,999.99, 0.10% APY on balances $25,000 to $49,999.99, 0.15% APY on balances $50,000 to $99,998.99, and 0.20% APY on balances of $99,999 and over. Rate may change after account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Minimum balance requirement of $100 in CommerceRelationship Checking to receive the $200 bonus. Both incentives are limited to new customers who haven’t owned an account in the past 90 days and are limited to one per household. You must have your offer code at the time of account opening to qualify for the incentive. We reserve the right to restrict or change this offer at any time.

    The annual percentage yield as of June 15, 2017 for CommerceRelationship Checking is 0.05%. Rate may change after account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.

    Commerce reserves the right to restrict or change. Preferred rate on PMMA balances greater than $25,000. Highest preferred rate on balances greater than $50,000. Preferred rate only valid on initial term of CD. You may request preferred rate at renewal.

    Transactions must be from CommerceRelationship Checking account.

  • I have posted something here regarding this offer, but suddenly they just disappeared. Any one know why?

    • Maybe they got caught in the spam folder, or maybe they just needed manual approval. Do you see your other comment now?