That didn’t last long, this has now expired! Make sure to follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss these deals or sign up for free mobile alerts for deals that will die quickly.
The Offer
Enter promo code UBERCOHOLIDAY into the Uber app to get a $20 discount.
The Fine Print
$20 credit valid through 2/28/17.
Our Verdict
Do this sooner rather than later as it will fill up fast. We’ve also sent this out to people signed up to free mobile notifications on deals that will die fast. If you found this deal helpful, give it a quick retweet on Twitter to say thanks!
Hat tip to FlyinJat
+1 — removed from my account 🙁
I had both this promo and a previous promo for $25 that didn’t expire for four years removed from my account over the last two days. Anybody else get hosed like that?
I was able to add it the $20 off… it said it expired in 2/28/2017,
Sadly the promo was removed from my account. Was planning to use the credit next weekend for my upcoming trip..
Warning: uber changed the terms. Now in the app it says it is only valid for rides in Colorado.
Dang, got to use these quickly when they are offered before UBER changes the terms.
Wow what the hell Uber.
Doc, you think we should try to complain? Companies shouldn’t be able to just change the terms after people have added it to their account….
You can try complaining, not sure it’ll do much good.
Thank you Doc! Happy holidays!
can it be used for ubereats ?
Yes, it worked for me.
Got it. You’re the man.
Damn. Just got the IFTTT notification via email and text 5 minutes ago, and it’s already gone.
Guess the “This Applet can be delayed by up to an hour” warning is real…
Dang, my alert showed up before it expired.
Thanks doc! Managed to get in before it expired
Wish these would work on uber eats
They do.