The Offer
Direct Link (Pdf)
Macerich Malls are running a Mother’s Day promotion:
- Buy Visa gift cards of $100 or more and the activation fee is waived
The Fine Print
- Limit 5 Visa gift cards in a single transaction per customer per day during the promotion period
- Not valid online
- The Visa Gift Card is issued by Sunrise Banks
- Must be at least 18 years old, legal U.S. resident
- Visa gift card can be loaded with between $100 and $500 to be eligible for this promotion
Our Verdict
Visa gift cards can usually be purchased at the Macerich Mall Guest Services or Concierge. Buying five $500 cards will rack up $2,500 in fee-free spend, though these will still need to liquidated which is tough for a lot of people.
Hopefully, this deal is available at all Macerich Malls, but check out the Events category on the website of your local center to make sure that’s the case. Here’s a link to the Queens website. You can also try calling your local mall to make sure they have Visa cards in stock and that the promotion will apply.
Thanks to Milestomemories for letting us know about this deal
They worked to make a payment on my property taxes today.
I sure wish I had one of these near me. It looks like AAA is holding a similar offer until June 30th:
Can we load Serve with these Sunrise VGCs at WM?
Yes, these work at WM. And they work for MOs there too. I’m almost positive they work at Family Dollar to load Serve too, which for most people would be far easier than WM.
A bit new to this… But anywhere you can load to a serve you can load to a bluebird or no?
Nope, don’t we wish that were true 🙂
Bluebird can only be loaded at WalMart, and WalMart can be annoying- i.e., not as smooth, with cashiers who don’t always let gift cards, not to mention long lines.
Serve can also be loaded at Family Dollar (in addition to WM), and Family Dollar is significantly easier, cashiers don’t usually mind gift cards.
Amen. Note that FD has a $500 limit, but the cashiers are MUCH more helpful. I need to unload a bunch and am dreading going to walmart tomorrow, but now that my serve is maxed with this offer it’s Bluebird and MO and these sunrise cards did not work at my USPS
No Macerich within 350 miles–(sigh)
I liquidated those at Walmart a week ago for MO, no issues.
These could be loaded into Amazon without issue correct?
Yeah, Amazon should be fine. But why not just reload your Amazon balance directly? No need to go to the mall for that.
Good point. But I was thinking as a backup plan if getting a MO goes south. I’m not dedicated enough to make 20 trips to various Walmarts to find a good cashier.
not sure of his style of liquidation but hes probably talking about small amounts left over from liquidating odd amounts similar to 5FBVGC.
I am not familiar with Sunrise bank VGC. Do these work at Post Office or Walmart?
I tried to purchase MO at USPS and it would not go through the debit machine. So much for that plan!
I think SUNRISE=METABANK, isn’t it?
thats an interesting question. let me ask you this.
does Chase = Bank of America?
for your question, no..
my question is, in terms of liquidating, sunrise=metabank or not
“Note: Cards issued by Sunrise bank often come in a very similar looking package to cards issued by Metabank. The pin and liquidation process is the same for cards issued by both banks.”
They are not the same. Metabank cards autodrain at my local supermarket, while Sunrise cards don’t.
exactly. not the same.
you didnt mention anything about liquidation in your OP but since you clarified, let me tell you that the answer is not Yes or No. it just depends.
i like how you quoted FM from a post last updated on 1/6/2016 which is almost a year and a half old. the answer is much more complex than that based on your location and preferred method of liquidation. just do your research and you will know. start with a small amount and see what works.
sunrise is not metabank and neither is VGC same as MCGC or OV or plain vanilla etc etc. some places you liquidate the same way no issues. some, its a huge headache.
thanks for clarifying. I am thinking buy $100 to try, if it works like always, yeah; if not, I will just spend that $100.
I’m not a moderator here or anything, but can I request that you please keep your tone a bit more civil? YZ asked a serious question based on his understanding of something. He even said “I think” and “isn’t it?” indicating he wasn’t positive himself. He was looking for clarification and you gave him a sarcastic “chase = BoA?” and then chastised him for the source/age of his information.
I like that DoC is a smaller, friendlier community, and would love to keep it that way.
+1, if you don’t want to answer a question you don’t have to. I can understand that people asking questions that are perceived as “noobish” are annoying but in this case it looks like this person at least tried to research the information themselves.
Works at Walmart.