The Offer
- Sign up bonus of up to 45,000 points, broken down as follows:
- 25,000 points after your first purchase
- 20,000 points after $10,000 in total spend within the first 12 billing cycles
Card Details
- La Quinta Returns Gold Status after your first purchase
- Card earns at the following rates:
- 5x points at La Quinta
- 2x points on all car rental, gas and dining purchases
- 1x points on all other purchases
- No annual fee
Our Verdict
Standard bonus on this card is normally 40,000 points but reader Adam found this better link, no idea how long it has been available. We just yesterday posted our full review of this card, along with a post on the valuation of LaQuinta points. The points are actually more valuable than I expected, shame about the $10,000 spend requirement to get the full bonus though. Also consider that this is issued by FNBO and they usually deny you if you’ve had too many recent applications.
Another possible concern is that in my limited experience with OTHER credit and credit cards issued by First National Bank of Omaha, they are very conservative on initial credit limits. (lower than most cards in my wallet) That said, in less than six months, I was able to get a soft pull or internal review only Credit Line increase in just a few months on my most recent 2% rewards card issued by them.