[Targeted] American Express Premier Rewards Gold Card 50,000 Point Offer – No Lifetime Language

The Offer

Direct link to offer (will error out if not targeted)

  • Earn 50,000 Points after you spend $2,000 on purchases on your new Card in your first 3 months of Card Membership on the American Express Premier Rewards Gold Card. Annual fee of $195 is also waived first year.

Card Details

Direct link to full offer terms

Our Verdict

Great offer if you’re targeted and if you’ve had the card before as it doesn’t contain any lifetime language (make sure to double check your own offer). We recently saw a similar offer on the Platinum Personal card (60,000 point sign up bonus) as well. We have seen bonuses of 65,000 recently, but that is split up over two years. As always if you have any questions regarding American Express credit cards I’d recommend you read this post first.

Hat tip to reader MontyFC

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Srini (@guest_568036)
March 9, 2018 00:01

Thank you DoC.
This showed up in the Amex Offers section of one of Wife’s accounts.
No luck for me though.

Applied and instantly approved. Amex also let me create an online account right away.
Was able to login and select the airline as well – to Southwest.

Now I hope I will not regret this decision.

Are Southwest gift card purchases – still triggering the $100 airline credit?

Any data points, please?
Thanks in advance

Orin (@guest_599795)
May 27, 2018 15:39

I got southwest gift card one weeks ago and it triggered it

Rahul (@guest_562349)
February 21, 2018 00:38

why are my posts/messages not getting posted? Admin is there an issue with your WEBSITE?

I had posted earlier that i see this offer in my account and says i am preapproved. Does it mean i can get bonus again (since there is no once per lifetime language mentioned), and also if i apply, it will not show up on credit report counting to 5/24 since i am preapproved? Please give opinion/input

Rahul (@guest_562328)
February 20, 2018 23:23

I see it In my account and am preapproved for it and has not offer restrictions or language of once in lifetime restrictions

Can I apply for the bonus then? If I am preapproved, will it show up on my credit reports counting for 5/24?

Erik (@guest_494711)
October 16, 2017 05:12

The Terms state that Gift Card purchases do not count towards the spending requirement.
Has anyone tried Gift Card Mall and got the bonus?

Maybe safer, but more expensive, to buy at Grocery store (e.g. Safeway) instead?
Does it work if charging 4x$505.95=$2,023.80 or do they maybe check for multiples of 505.95…?

Sa (@guest_493595)
October 13, 2017 22:01

Received the mailer today. 50mr/2k spend. Have had the card before and did get the bonus previously. There is no lifetime language. What is the consensus on this? Does it work? Thank you all in advance.

Gadget (@guest_454704)
August 7, 2017 16:55

I had received the 50K bonus points in 2013 for this card, and subsequently closed the card before the AF. Now I have received a targeted offer for 50K in July, no lifetime language anywhere that I could find. I am hoping this isn’t going to be a fight to get my points. I was already planning on keeping the mailer and suspect I will have to do the “investigation” route.

Applied & approved today – card expedited free of charge.

I don’t MS, so not too worried about the new language that they are adding to discourage churning. It’s not in my print-out, but I am sure it will be considered by their system. I will just close out or downgrade at the 13 month mark.

Gadget (@guest_482005)
September 24, 2017 02:04

Bonus 50K posted about 2 days after meeting spend. No issues – no calling – no whining. No MS for them to complain about – paid ahead on bills and bought legitimate stuff.

Last time I had the card in 2013, I spent the MR’s on Home Depot gift cards, and never did the airline credit. I am hoping to find something better this time to spend them on, but I don’t go a whole lot of places. 1st world problems, I know, but finding “good” deals in order to redeem points is more work than it should be.

If anyone has good suggestions on what to do with the MR’s, or how to get good monetary use for the airline incidental credit, I would be appreciative. TIA

lee (@guest_552860)
January 21, 2018 13:41

I get the same offer in my Amex without Lifetime language, and I just approved for the card. But when i look at the last 5 digit of the new account is the EXACT same 5 digit of my OLD/cancel Premier Gold card 2 year ago. Would you please tell me when you approve for the new card, did the card has the last 5 digit same number as your cancel card 2 year ago? I also did the exact same thing as you to download the PDF file for the term without the lifetime language in case i run into getting the point later on! please let me know thank you!

nag (@guest_567660)
March 7, 2018 21:52

Have you guys got the bonus without any issues…

joyce (@guest_440533)
July 16, 2017 05:59

Hi I had the same issue I made the $2k in purchase but did not get the bonus either and they are asking for the terms pdf, I was wondering if you can send it to me ? Thanks

Joshua (@guest_424264)
June 20, 2017 17:46

So I was targeted for this offer in May. I’ve had the PRG before. Terms excluded any lifetime language. I applied and was approved. Made the min spend in first month and paid bill off before statement closed. Promotional points didn’t post. Chatted with customer service rep and was told that no promotional code was applied when I applied. And then was told that since I’ve had the PRG previously that I wasn’t eligible. I specifically poured over the original terms and made sure it excluded the lifetime language. He sent me a link to terms (supposedly the public offer) that stated the lifetime language and he said everyone has the same terms. Anyone have issues with getting the points posted under this offer?

MontyFC (@guest_424295)
June 20, 2017 18:32

I had similar issue but for a different offer where lifetime exclusion wasn’t mentioned. I asked the chat representative to open an investigation for me. They provided a link to upload all supporting documents (like terms pdf, hopefully you would have that). My investigation was resolved in a month and the points posted.

I have another card in play with similar issue but I haven’t reached minimum spend yet. If its points are not posted, I plan to go the investigation route again.

Jane (@guest_459546)
August 16, 2017 01:47

Hi Joshua,
Was your issue ever resolved

Joshua (@guest_459911)
August 16, 2017 18:41

After waiting over six weeks for Amex to investigate they finally came back to me and denied the 50k bonus points. They said my terms included the lifetime limitation language even though when I applied they did not. Should of kept screenshots of the original terms. Expensive lesson to learn unfortunately.

joyce (@guest_460001)
August 16, 2017 22:08

did you communicate with them thru chat or call them over the phone

jash (@guest_420786)
June 14, 2017 19:48

This offer seems to be public now. I’m seeing the 50k points after 2k spend on their website.

fffr (@guest_403794)
May 9, 2017 02:59

Will you be able to get approved and have the sign up bonus when you currently have the PRG card (but have received the mail offer without the lifetime language)