The Offer
- Receive a 5% discount on eBay Giftcards at Dollar General
The Fine Print
- In store only
- Expires on September 7th, 2015
Our Verdict
Dollar General codes as a discount/warehouse store so there is no opportunity to get a category bonus. Awhile back there was a public $5 off $25+ purchase American Express sync offer that expires on the 31st of August, if you still need to use that you’d be able to get a 25% discount on eBay gift cards which is an awesome deal. If you don’t have that deal you’ll be better off with one of the five other ways to get a discount on eBay gift cards.
Also keep in mind the limits associated with eBay gift cards.
Hat tip to @Yeshu1984 on Twitter
I tried to use Amex CC to buy $25 worth product in DG in Sioux falls, SD. The lady who seems like a manager told me the store does not accept Amex.
Was also refused trying to buy gift card at DG in Georgia
Has anybody had success using a credit card to buy a gift card of any kind at Dollar General? I have been turned away from about 4 separate stores stating that it simply isn’t possible (3rd party gift cards, visa gift cards, etc. none worked)
Just keep in mind a $25 GC will only be $23.75 with the 5% discount, which won’t be enough to trigger the Amex Offer. You would need to get a GC for at least $26.32.
If I go buy today (August 31st), do you think I’ll still get the credit even though the transaction won’t post today?