Deal has ended, view the current Starbucks promo here.
The Offer
- Starbucks is offering their refill tumbler for $40 for 2019. It includes free dripped coffee every day in January, if you used it every day it would cost you $1.29 per day.
The Fine Print
- In store only
Our Verdict
Some people say these sell out quickly, others will say to wait for a deep discount in late December/early January. I will note that last year some places were selling these for as low as $4 in some stores, but I wouldn’t rely on being able to pick one up at that price. It is nice to see Starbucks somewhat pushing reusable cups like this.
Depending on who you ask, this either sells out quickly every year or ends up deeply discounted into December with a price of $20. Personally I think Starbucks coffee is awful, so this is an easy pass for me. That being said reusable cups are the way to go.
Regardless of whether you accept the offer or not you’ll get a better cup of Starbucks coffee at the same price by asking the barista to make a pourover. It is made by pouring hot water over fresh ground coffee which passes through a small filter. Takes a minute or two but makes all the difference in the world.
“Personally I think Starbucks coffee is awful, so this is an easy pass for me.”
Are those plastic or steel?
They don’t discount until january in my experience. Great value to be honest. 30 days of free coffee. Technically only 1 per day but you’ll have no problem getting your cup in the morning and then again at lunch. Cheaper than making your own!
Anyone know specifically if they do the free refills in Hawaii? I know I’ve run into other promos before that don’t apply in Hawaii and that might make a difference for me here.
I’ve seen anecdotal reports via Twitter of them being offered for sale in Hawaii and even Canada (HT: Red Flag Deals) so I would venture to say this could be used in both places. The tumbler looks identical to the US one to me.
The tumbler itself costs $40 so your refills aren’t really “free.” That said I just checked my tumbler and the tag doesn’t mention anything about “not valid in HI or AK” so you should be good. If a local store sells them they must be honoring the deal, yeah?
BTW free refills on brewed coffee/tea is a gold perk so that should work in HI too, but only after you’ve paid for your first fill up..
Yes, I get them all the time. I have been getting it for the past 4 years for my wife. It was only $30 back then.
These make great gifts actually. Got 2 discounted (15 a pop) last year and gave them to my nieces with a dollar store card attached that said enjoy 30 days of free coffee at Starbucks on me in January … Merry Christmas! As Unaware of this deal Starbucks drinking teens… they loved it!
Brandon Please explain why the dollar store card was a treat. Also, a dollar store card, from where? The dollar store? Starbucks minim is $5 on a gc. So did you get a $5 card and transfer out all but $1?
I think he means a greeting card from the dollar store. So he paid $16 for $45 of gift.
Thanks! Yeah, that makes sense.