Deal has expired, view more Google Express deals by clicking here.
The Offer
Check your Chase Offers, Bank Amerideals, or other banks like Suntrust, Regions, PNC, BBVA and more for the following offer:
- Get 10% back on Google Express, up to $14 total.
The Fine Print
- Expires 12/31/18
Our Verdict
The offer mentioned on Slickdeals is for a $14 max and a 12/31 expiration date, but it’s possible different banks have varying offers and expiration dates.
To maximize, stack with 30% off Target (Target30) or any other Google Express deal. Always double check the price with Google Express since some merchants like Costco charge more (in some areas) for items ordered via Google Express.
Hat tip to SD
You can get another 4% cash back by going through a portal.
What portal can you use for Google Express?
Where can I see tutorial how to find chase offers? Which chase cards have offers? Where in chase menu would it be? Tia
You can only find them in the Chase app or Chase Pay app. Go into the credit card portion, and keep scrolling down.
Giving Assistant.
Is it just me or has the Chase app been complete garbage logging onto. Also, looking for Chase offers has been a test in patience, half the time they don’t load and when they do, it crashes when you try to add.
The Chase offers are also available in Chase Pay app. Much easier to see and activate offers there.
damn,should wait til now to use the target 30% off promo
Let me add a note about the Target deal.