[Update 3: $500 offer is really dead now.]
[Update #2: $500 offer is dead.]
[Update: Reader Tim tells us about a working $500 link. Here’s the link. Unlikely it’ll last long.]
Capital One has reduced the signup bonus on their Savor card from $500 to $300. The spend requirement is still the same at $3,000 within 3 months.
We previously reported (twice) that the public offer had gone down, but that affiliates were still showing $500 (and often incognito was showing $500 as well). Now, however, it appears to have been reduced to $300 across the board. If anyone finds a $500 link, please let us know.
The SavorOne card remains at $150 bonus, as before.
First year AF still waived as of 11/8/2019. However, I only see $300 bonus for spending $3000 in the first 3 months.
Now offer is $400 after spending $3000 in 3 months. First year AF not waived.
I still see $300 bonus with first fee waived through that link.
I guess YMMV.
Capital One Savor has a referral program now. $100 for the referrer (up to $500 per calendar year), same $300 for the referred person. It says the referred person needs to be a “new Capital One cardholder”.
I was lucky enough (thanks DoC!) to be approved for and receive the Savor with the $500 bonus. I filled the requirements and got the bonus promptly and paid off the card immediately. Somehow, I still owed $3.00…not saying that wasn’t legitimate. I had $37 in remaining bonus credit. Here’s what I learned…maybe everybody else already knows this:
1) Because I didn’t make the $3.00 payment on time, Capitol One not only assessed a $3 penalty…they FROZE my credit card. Found this out when I tried to use the card.
2) Capitol One does not allow Savor customers to use bonus credits towards their minimum payment due.
3) To get the account unfrozen quickly, I had to set up a payment from my checking account on the phone.
On the plus side, the card has a nice heft and a presumably hip logo in which the “A” appears as an upside down V.
your’re right. Didn’t last long. All dead.
Does this card still earn $75 if applied from Swagbucks?
I believe that deal ended.
I clicked on Tim’s link and I got the message “We Are Sorry… We apologize for the inconvenience, but the offer you requested is expired or invalid.”
Dead now. Glad I jumped on this today morning.
Same identical link T&C one time $500 for $3000 spend. Refresh the same link got $150 for $500.00 spend. YMMV. Yes, I have a screen shot. No – I did not apply.
I have downloaded the T&C which has details of $500. Additionally the $500 bonus is mentioned in the approval email I received.
Hey Hari – was wondering if you could send me the T&C details.
I applied at 10:50PST where the header said $500 but I didn’t double check the T&C and want to try to see if they’d honor it if I have a copy of the T&C for $500. ([email protected])
Sure I will send it in about an hour. I have downloaded the disclosure pdf file. Additionally, you should have got the approval email with $500 bonus details. Should be enough to make a point if necessary.
Sent you the disclosure pdf file. It has the $500 bonus on $3000 spend.
Thanks for sending it! I actually didn’t get instantly approved (no prior relationship with CapOne) so I don’t know if my application went through with the $500 in the T&C 🙁
You may call the Capital One reconsideration line
Would you be willing to send me the T&C as well? I got an instant approval, but haven’t received an email containing the terms. [email protected]
Much abliged.
Just sent the disclosure doc your way.
Hi Hari,
I just applied last week and was accepted but didn’t receive the card yet. Can you send me the T&C as well so that I can possibly bring it up to recon or by PM for the higher bonus? [email protected]
3/24 and 825 credit score. I was denied for this and basically denied for Barclay Arrival Plus last month because I refused to fill out a 1060T. I’ve never been denied a credit card application prior to these two.
The link that supposedly is dead works for me.
which link was working for you? Tim’s link didn’t work for me, it led to an error page on many tries.