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xyzzy321 (@guest_1709600)
October 5, 2023 15:21

Don’t care for the bonus but can an out-of-state person open an account with them for MS purposes? (Trying to hit SUB for Amex Biz Gold)

Would appreciate if someone adopts me as their relative and refers me: 00.singer.prim at icloud dot com

Raylan (@guest_1760529)
December 18, 2023 12:35

I have seen people say Amex qualifies but I don’t know either way, sorry.

Ben (@guest_1786992)
January 27, 2024 21:49

I can refer you but I need your first and last name

Dan (@guest_1788484)
January 30, 2024 06:15

Can you refer me. I’m out of state.
Lesaks @ gmail

Ruby (@guest_1527775)
January 6, 2023 13:05

After being denied online, I was asked to visit the branch to show my ID. Branch wanted to start a new application. I asked if they allow credit card funding. They said no. I walked out.

Ruby (@guest_1525466)
January 3, 2023 21:56

I applied for two accounts and funded 5000 with credit card. The application was denied the second day

I am a Houston resident.

What could be the reason,?

Dan (@guest_1502008)
December 4, 2022 22:06

I’m also interested in this for MS purposes. Can you or anyone here help a brother out and refer me as a step “relative” from the Houston area?

Dan (@guest_1502010)
December 4, 2022 22:10
Tyrone Danger
Tyrone Danger (@guest_1409827)
July 15, 2022 23:08

I’m also interested in this for MS purposes. Can you or anyone here help a brother out and refer me as a step “relative” from the Houston area?

Ralph Hendry-Wabel payyoutuesday LAG michaeld

Ralph Hendry-Wabel
Ralph Hendry-Wabel (@guest_1409876)
July 16, 2022 02:19

sure, send me your email, first and last name and I can put it in for referal

xyzzy321 (@guest_1709633)
October 5, 2023 16:04

Can you refer me too? Ralph Hendry-Wabel

Ralph Hendry-Wabel
Ralph Hendry-Wabel (@guest_1324270)
January 31, 2022 23:24

DP: Used my Amex Marriott Business Credit Card for $2000 funding. Coded as purchase.

Baked (@guest_1081126)
October 28, 2020 20:42

I know this bonus expired, but want to open account for MSR purposes. Any advice for OOS ? payyoutuesday

Betelgeuse ㊙️
Betelgeuse ㊙️ (@guest_1081129)
October 28, 2020 20:45

I think several of us got denied due to Chex. They will charge your card right away then refund you later when they deny you. At least that was the case for me.

Baked (@guest_1081130)
October 28, 2020 20:46

Betelgeuse Thanks for the quick response!

payyoutuesday (@guest_1081215)
October 28, 2020 22:19

Baked Sorry, I don’t have any sage advice on this one. I had a hard enough time getting approved and getting the bonus, and I live in the service area and used real DDs.

Baked (@guest_1087882)
November 10, 2020 11:38

payyoutuesday (delayed) Thank you.

LAG (@guest_900804)
February 6, 2020 16:25

 William Charles

Not related to this bonus exactly, but another AMEX DP and confirmation the accounts can be opened/closed.

I closed account in October last year and needed to complete another MSR (BBP with a large credit line), so I decided to try and open this account a second time (without bonus).

I applied earlier this week and was approved the next day. Funded all 4 accounts with 2.5k using the BBP (10k total). Amex card number still triggers the “error” I mention last time saying that it’s not a valid card number, but the charge was taken just fine and the balance for each account was deposited the day following my account approval and all were noted as “available” balance, so it seems they sped up their processing/hold time vs the last time I posted (June).

007 (@guest_1501534)
December 3, 2022 23:46

LAG Thanks for DP. How large of a risk is it to meet MSR on an AmEx card opening a bank account? $10k would go a long way towards $15k biz plat sign up bonus, but not sure if this would be better avenue (as far as risk of AmEx denying bonus ) than paying federal taxes. Thanks!

Kyle (@guest_871337)
January 10, 2020 13:13

Anyone tried Capital One funding with this bank? I want to use my Venture card, but don’t want it to code as cash advance. Thank you!

michaeld (@guest_857903)
December 15, 2019 22:11

I applied for an account to meet MSR on a new Amex BGR card. I live in one of the designated counties so I’m not worried about the bonus being denied. I was able to charge $7.5k to the card, $2.5k/account. I haven’t been able to move any of it yet, but the charge has been applied to my card as shows in the accounts.

 William Charles When I applied my Equifax report was pulled. I, like many others, made sure to opt out of anything that might cause it, but I was still checked. Maybe they check people deposit large sums on credit cards? Who knows? I was asked to provide proof of ID (I applied with passport) so I sent my driver’s license. But that had my old address (though still in an eligible county) so I had to follow up with a utility bill to prove residence.

For me, the hard pull is worth the 7.5/10k MSR of the BGR so I’m pleased that I should be able to get a bank bonus out of this as well.