Airlines Ask For The Ability To Deny Refunds

The IATA is ‘disappointed’ with the European Commission Guidelines on EU261. Normally airlines have to pay cash compensation when flights are cancelled, the European Commission ruled that due to the COVID-19 these cash compensations are not required to be paid. IATA says that this isn’t enough assistance and that they also want:

  1. Recognition that no compensation is due in the event of cancellations due to COVID-19;
  2. A limitation on the extensive obligations to provide care and assistance in the event of cancellations due to COVID-19;
  3. Flexibility to allow airlines to offer rebooking or vouchers in place of refunds in the event of cancellations due to the pandemic.

United is already two steps ahead of the IATA with it’s policy of offer flight vouchers instead of cash.

Hat tip to VFTW

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Onyxi (@guest_943355)
March 21, 2020 15:39

And then these same airlines have the audacity to demand taxpayer bailouts? Get out of here…

Clark (@guest_943132)
March 20, 2020 22:08

Let the airlines die.

Frito Pendejo
Frito Pendejo (@guest_943069)
March 20, 2020 19:43

Couldn’t you file a chargeback for services not rendered?

G (@guest_943114)
March 20, 2020 21:09

Airlines can submit supporting documents for the charge to the banks, the terms you would have to agree before purchasing tickets. Then the charge may re-apply to your card.

Charlie (@guest_943115)
March 20, 2020 21:10

If you file a chargeback against an airline you may find that they take revenge against your stash of frequent flyer miles.

JMR0303 (@guest_943137)
March 20, 2020 22:33

That’s why you’ll want to burn your miles before they do. Redeem for merchandise, gift cards, local hotel stays, etc, THEN go for it.

Matt Katakis
Matt Katakis (@guest_943184)
March 21, 2020 03:00

The good news is…most of us are in the USA and the majority don’t have loyalty or tons of points stashed away in European airlines. I’ve had to file a couple of legitimate chargebacks to European airlines and I’ve always won.

satellite (@guest_943024)
March 20, 2020 18:08

I assume we still get our money back for the ticket if a flight is cancelled due to COVID19, we just don’t get additional compensation or free hotel/food?

Motty (@guest_943030)
March 20, 2020 18:14

Push it all on the consumer.
The airlines will be bailed out but the consumers who’s tax money will be used for the bail out shouldn’t be refunded for canceled flights?

qmc (@guest_943083)
March 20, 2020 20:15

See? We’re just trying to sae the taxpayers some money!

foobar (@guest_943045)
March 20, 2020 18:48

From what I encountered with Icelandair, that was not the case. They cancelled my flight and rebooked me on a very inconvenient flight instead. They refused the refund of the fare but I think only the taxes and fees are in process of being reissued. The only other option was a one-time rebooking with a voucher, but that rebooking would only be valid until 1/1/2021.

Dubya (@guest_943167)
March 21, 2020 00:47

That is an incorrect assumption

Adam Bandel
Adam Bandel (@guest_943023)
March 20, 2020 18:06

pieces of absolute garbage