DoT Issues Second Enforcement Notice: No Changes To Cancellation Policy After A Ticket Is Purchased, 7 Days For Refunds

At the start of April the Department of Transport issued an enforcement notice that airlines (emphasis mine):

‘remain obligated to provide a prompt refund to passengers for flights to, within, or from the United States when the carrier cancels the passenger’s scheduled flight or makes a significant schedule change and the passenger chooses not to accept the alternative offered by the carrier.  The obligation of airlines to provide refunds, including the ticket price and any optional fee charged for services a passenger is unable to use, does not cease when the flight disruptions are outside of the carrier’s control (e.g., a result of government restrictions).’

This was due to some airlines trying to offer vouchers in place of a refund. The DoT has now issued a second enforcement notice. In March & April DoT has received more than 25,000 complaints and apparently airlines and travel agents have also asked the DoT for additional clarity. One particularly interesting section is regarding changes airlines have made to cancellation policies after a ticket has been purchased:

May airlines and ticket agents retroactively apply new refund policies?

The Department interprets the statutory prohibition against unfair or deceptive practices to cover actions
by airlines and ticket agents applying changes retroactively to their refund policies that affect consumers
negatively. The refund policy in place at the time the passenger purchased the ticket is the policy that is
applicable to that ticket. The Aviation Enforcement Office would consider the denial of refunds in
contravention of the policies that were in effect at the time of the ticket purchase to be an unfair and
deceptive practice.

United has changed its cancellation policy and tried to enforce it retroactively so many times I’ve lost count. The latest attempt was to try and redefine what cancellation actually means. Another interesting note from the enforcement notice is that airlines have 7 business days to provide a refund if payment was made by credit card or 20 business days if made by cash or check.

The idea behind these enforcement notices is to get the airlines to do the right thing without having to do an enforcement action (e.g fining the airlines for failure to follow the rules). This is now the second enforcement notice we’ve seen, if airlines continue to break these rules it will be interesting to see if the DoT actually starts issuing enforcement actions. If you’re in a situation where an airline is not following these rules, I highly recommend that you file a complaint with the DoT.

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Abc (@guest_1856569)
June 6, 2024 13:37

Why is my comment marked spam with link to DOT website…

Anyway, the title is “Biden-Harris Administration Announces Final Rule Requiring Automatic Refunds of Airline Tickets and Ancillary Service Fees” published by the DOT on April 24, 2024.
Free cancellation if airline changed your flight more than 3 hours.

David (@guest_978762)
May 13, 2020 11:06

United needs to go out of business. Period.

Parkdanil (@guest_978738)
May 13, 2020 10:30

Delta changed my flight time to 4hrs after my connecting flight departure. I figure that’s significant enough for a refund.

Chris (@guest_978692)
May 13, 2020 08:49

Spirit Airlines issued me a voucher, then cancelled service to my airport (MSP) indefinitely. Took 3 attempts (oddly the text help line was the one that ultimately helped me) and every ounce of persistence and patience I had to get them to turn that voucher into a refund. Same line as some other airlines about “following their own policies” and (this one is funny to me) they had “already met their quota of vouchers”. I get that they are hurting, but they are still in business and trying to play games.

KW (@guest_978505)
May 12, 2020 23:32

To this date, Air France (AF) is only issuing Voucher instead of refund regardless how many email/phone calls I tried. They are saying AF is following their own policy. I bought round trip ticket on Air France official website but sale went through Italian market. AF cancelled my return flight that departs US. I tried to dispute charge on Citi but denied. Complain submitted on AF and was denied. I submitted claims on DoT and Italian Civil Aviation and waiting for answers.

Alex (@guest_978512)
May 12, 2020 23:49

I’m waiting for refund from Air France. My tickets are fully refundable so I hardly see any room for them to get out of paying back but these days airlines love to invent nonsense. The process was cumbersome. I canceled my tickets through the web site and 2 out of 3 stopped pulling up while the third one had one segment stuck. After a few days I called Air France and based on what the rep mentioned, the web site did not work correctly. The rep canceled all tickets and confirmed refund within 30 days which is well beyond reasonable time frame but better then nothing. It’s been just over a week but since the time was ticking on chargeback option, I filed it yesterday with Chase just in case.

Will (@guest_978445)
May 12, 2020 21:29

Avianca refuses to issue refunds as well. Booked through Orbitz, they cancelled a May flight in April, and refuse to refund. Also had the same with Volaris and they claim no problem to refund, no pushback either. Filed a DoT complaint for Avianca.

Angela (@guest_978447)
May 12, 2020 21:34

Same, Avianca cancelled my flight in March, booked through Chase Travel. They still haven’t issued me a refund despite numerous calls/inquires. I filed a complaint with DoT.

Bruce (@guest_978433)
May 12, 2020 21:17

Westjet won’t refund anyone for cancelled flights

bcliu430 (@guest_978397)
May 12, 2020 20:05

It takes Delta 30 biz days to refund. I requested refund on 4.3 and I have not received the money. Any suggestions?

Moldova (@guest_978462)
May 12, 2020 21:53

I got my refund from Delta more than 60 days after requesting the refund

BB (@guest_978484)
May 12, 2020 22:37

Are you sure you weren’t given an eCredit instead of a refund? I received my refund next day.

Brian (@guest_979454)
May 14, 2020 01:59

Same. Received refund within a day or two.

Pat (@guest_978377)
May 12, 2020 19:02

Anyone having huge delays in Ethiad Guest award tickets? They said up to 45 business days for my refund..

Jason K
Jason K (@guest_984336)
May 21, 2020 15:49

Not guest, but cash, completely refused to even when I quoted the DOT enforcement notice. Said it only applies to flights with the first departure in the US, when the notice clearly states it applies to all flights ‘to, FROM, or through’ the US. DOT complaint filed. Next is Chase.

Ben (@guest_978373)
May 12, 2020 18:58

I don’t think United can hear this in the back. Lmao, they switched one of my flight segments back in April, tried to call it a “schedule change” even though it was technically and actually a cancellation, just so they don’t have to refund me. I finally got around to submitting a dispute yesterday with Chase. Smh, what a big yikes.