Update: American Airlines has made a similar announcement. Face coverings must be worn by kids 2+. In addition coverings must be worn in areas under American Airlines control (e.g check in, lounges boarding).
Original post: United has announced an update to its face covering policy. All passengers are now required to wear face coverings in the airport (including United customer service counters and kiosks, United Club locations, our gates and our baggage claim areas). Previously United was only requiring passengers to wear masks in flight when not eating or drinking. Masks will also be required to be worn by children over the age of two years old.
This new requirement will go into effect on July 24th. Unlike other airlines United does not have a policy of blocking middle seats/socially distancing in flight. United has claimed that other airlines are doing this as a marketing ploy rather than a public health reason despite a study stating that keeping middle seats empty could cut the risk of transmission by as much as 50%.
If an airline is going to require a mask in flight, it makes sense to also require this during the boarding and check in process. I’d like to see some more information on why the age of 2+ was introduced by United. United seems to be doing the maximum possible without actually incurring any costs (e.g no blocking of seats, no medical consult for not wearing a mask).
Don’t want to wear a mask? Just get a big bag of gummy bears and chew them one at a time for the duration of the flight. Problem solved without the drama.
The mask thing is not a big deal. But not getting past NY or CA to fly international without getting quarantined for 2 weeks makes the mask thing pretty moot. When they eventually get a vaccine which restrictions go away first? I have a feeling masks are a mainstay(years?).
Probably depends on the effectiveness of the vaccine and also % uptake
Your crazy if you think people are gonna wear masks for years.
Although it may not be a public policy, on a recent trip with Delta I was told by the agent to put on a mask when at the gate, stating “I just have to tell you because it’s policy 😉 “
Did she then wink and say “tick tock… tick tock”? What kind of Watchmen bullshit is this…
The age of 2+ matches the CDC recommendation that those under the age of 2 not wear face coverings. Suspect that’s where they got it from.
Makes sense, thanks for the information. Hadn’t seen that before
This news will perhaps stop when Americans stop appearing on travel ban lists alongside countries where we’ve rarely been listed other than as an invader or generous aid provider. Look at Emirates Airlines’ shit list. At a minimum it is embarrassing, but really it is tragic. Personally I have no fear of death from this, but I just would prefer not to be unable to walk up a few stairs due to lung damage or to infect somebody, directly or far removed.
And it would be nice to be able to travel to countries where cannot. And even states without a quarantine that citizens feel that they are free to ignore because they can’t catch us. Rave on!
Interesting how none of these airlines even remotely care about prescribing how the face coverings should be worn–which means that lots of smart alecks will be wearing them over their chins and eyes (which are still technically part of the face).
Next it leads me to believe someone might pull off a new instagram challenge of how to sneak onto a flight with someone’s else ID. If you are really that desperate for attention and bored, please don’t commit a crime for views
You have to remove your mask for TSA
The entire premise of 2020 is based upon a highly contagious respiratory virus, the spread of which is so inevitable, it would be foolish to try and stop it. Yet people still think this means anything?
“the spread of which is so inevitable, it would be foolish to try and stop it”
So we just hang around and wait to die? You want your Applebee’s THAT badly?
And it doesn’t have to kill you – a whole lot of survivors have serious organ damage. The latest studies are even showing a risk of E.D. and infertility.
Yeah I saw the commericals for Truvada. You told all about the serious side effects, but I should use it!
Yeah ok.
Hang around to die? Based on what statistics? The 99% survivability? Jesus drama queen. Hate to break it that you have a 100% chance of dying someday.
was referring to the study that claimed “cut the risk of transmission by as much as 50%.”
And if it cuts the risk of transmission by as much as 25%? 15%? Why does the percentage matter? Ten less people in the hospital? Twenty? It’s still less people. Wear a mask, what is the big deal? At best, it prevents you from getting it or spreading it. At worse, it’s a little inconvenient.
Whats the big deal? The data is disputed. You obviously don’t know that a lie repeated so many times becomes truth if you parrot it.
If the data says 5% protection or 100% protection, there’s no difference to me. I will wear a mask. If I have this and not showing any symptoms (partially grateful if that happens given the symptoms), I wouldn’t want to be responsible for passing that on. But hey, that’s just me.
Not just you, I feel the same. I just can’t comprehend why so many people resist wearing a mask.
How is it inevitable? Basically every other first world country has managed to get it under control. US is really the only exception.
Please provide data to prove that. We are the 3rd most populous country in the world. The 1st had completely made up data, the 2nd is, well I doubt the data is accurate, and then us. Obviously our numbers would be high, talk about anti-American.
Just compare the charts… https://www.endcoronavirus.org/countries
So I take it being provided with the data wasn’t really what you were looking for…
The data of the 1st is far more accurate than US
Then PLEASE move there!
Ya gotta love these trolls that send you down the rabbit hole of “provide evidence” yet no matter what you provide they’ll just attack the source or you personally.
Yes, it does mean something! It means something to the person who is willing to fly if their fellow passengers wear masks but who would opt not to fly if some of their fellow passengers did not wear masks.
So what happens if you stand in front of a TSA guy? You have to take the mask off I guess?
Should just be a matter of taking the mask mostly-off (pull it down or take it off one ear) for a few seconds for TSA to check your ID, and then immediately put it back on.
I believe it’s for areas under United’s control so wouldn’t be necessary to security checks. In addition I imagine you could briefly remove the mask for identity purposes before putting it back on.
I imagine that would put the person at risk if you believe masks work.
It actually puts them at risk whether you believe they work or not…
Literally the most beta passive aggressive comment ever lol
LOL – the dude who asks for data and then doesn’t even address it when provided is whining about ‘beta passive aggressive’… It is a good bet on today’s internet that the loser who calls others ‘beta’ is focused more on convincing themselves they aren’t than they are trying to engage anyone else…
Yeah I’m not going to take off my respirator for identity verification, sorry.
Well, either you have to do what the TSA wants or you have to find another way to get to your destination that doesn’t involve airports.
Minimizing exposure as much as possible is a good goal, but it’s not going to be 100% perfect all the time.
Hey at least you stand by your convictions!
I haven’t been to an airport since March – have they not put up plexiglass barriers for the agents?
Reminds me of when we were first forced to wear clothes. I used to love the feel of bare skin on leather and vinyl airline seats, and plastic airport seats (with those old TVs). Yeah, I’m old.
I dig this only because it’s impossible to tell whether satire or spite! Haha