Food Lion $10 Coupon When You Purchase $100 in Visa, Mastercard Or American Express Gift Cards

The Offer

Direct link to offer (page six)

  • Save $10 off your next visit when you spend $100 or more on participating gift cards: MasterCard Gift Card, Visa Gift Card and American Express Gift Cards.
  • Food Lion has stores in: Mid Atlantic, South Atlantic, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia

food lion $10 discount

The Fine Print

  • Valid until May 12th, 2015
  • One offer per transactions
  • Mastercard gift card is issued by U.S Bank National Association
  • Visa Gift card is issued by MetaBank
  • $10 discount expires after 14 days

Our Verdict

Food Lion sell variable load cards ($5.95 fee) which will likely be your best option. Food Lion should code as a grocery store, so this deal will make the most sense for those that have credit cards that earn at a high rate on grocery store purchases. If you purchased a $500 gift card here is your profit:

  • $500 gift card + $5.95 activation fee (-$5.95)
  • Rewards on credit card (+$25.30)
  • $10 discount on next shopping trip (+$10)
  • Total profit: $29.35

It’s a shame you can only get one $10 discount per visit, but who knows how much this is actually enforced.

Hat tip to Frequent Miler

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Jan B
Jan B (@guest_116913)
May 9, 2015 15:26

Food Lions are iffy about CC buys in some stores. I once was about to be denied, then for some reason, was approved to do the buy.

Jan B
Jan B (@guest_116912)
May 9, 2015 15:24

Hunter, Food Lions have staffing that, shall we say, are observant and have good memories.

Advice: Perhaps one shouldn’t do a particular activity too often. Mix it up a bit. Best wishes.

Hunter (@guest_114081)
May 4, 2015 17:13

I went to two foodlion stores near my home. One accept credit cards for gift cards, the other don’t. A supervisor’s approval needed for $500 visa/master debit card. $10 off coupons expire 14 days after purchase.

Hunter (@guest_114592)
May 5, 2015 13:35

Hi, doctor, I usually just spend the $500 debit gift card at FoodLion buying $500 money order, and deposit back to my checking account. Is there any chances that this behavior will be added into any blacklist or trigger any red flag? Do I have to be careful or something?