Hawaii has announced that travelers will be able to skip the mandatory 14 day quarantine period if they provide a negative COVID-19 test that is no more than 72 hours old. United then announced they would be offering fliers on the San Francisco > Hawaii flights paid COVID-19 tests as an option. Hawaiian Airlines is now offering a similar program in partnership with Worksite labs, Hawaiian’s offerings will cost $90 for results within 36 hours, or $150 for day-of-travel express service ($80 and $250 for United). These initial labs will be near Los Angeles (LAX) and San Francisco (SFO) international airports but with plans for more testing locations to be added.
Hat tip to OMaaT
“Yes, minors five years and older must take the pre-travel test. (Minors four years and younger do NOT need to take the pre-travel test.)” – per the Hawaii gov site
Can’t people postpone their trip ’til next spring? What’s the hurry? Apart from an emergency(visiting a sick loved one) Hawaii will still be there.
The timing of the 72 hours really needs some clarification. I’ve seen it noted as 72 hours before arrival, also seen as 72 hours before departure (assuming that would be actual departure vs scheduled departure).
Also hoping other Airlines roll out options like this. We’ve got a day after Thanksgiving departure so the goal is to get a test that meets the 72 hour requirement but gives room for cancelling >24 hours if one of the tests come back positive.
God, I need this to happen with AA and my hopeful trip to Puerto Rico in December.
What if you catch COVID-19 while visiting the lab to do the COVID-19 test? Since presumably there would be lots of COVID positive patients at the lab doing their tests too.
Hawaii is absolutely and unequivocally going to have an outbreak a month after tourism opens and will shut down again.
You don’t go to a lab to get tested…
I suggest you actually at least click the article before posting comments like this. You act like they are going to stuff people in a small waiting room before testing. SMH…..
I presume that these labs would be testing in the airport, not in a typical “hotspot” area where there would be higher incidence than normal population.
Then you get tested as a false negative, and you board your flight with all the other false negatives.
it says” Drive-Through Pre-Travel COVID-19 Tests ” . I am pretty sure your car will be pretty safe
It’s drive-thru testing. You will stay in your car. The only people you will be interacting with during the process will be the person administrating the test (who will be wearing the proper PPE and properly sanitizing) and anybody in the same car with you. That’s it.
You WON’T be exposed to lots of COVID positive patients while getting a test (unless they are in the same car as you while you are getting your test).
cant believe ppl are still scared of covid after all the data has come out lol
what if the plane crashes and none of it mattered?