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Frazz (@guest_1963442)
December 3, 2024 15:17

Like others in recent posts, I received a mailer earlier this year ($300 for $2500 in DDs within the first 90 days, and $300 for 15 debit transactions within 90 days), but I haven’t received either bonus yet. DP:

2024/07/16: “eStyle” checking account opened.
2024/07/17: Opening deposit posts ($50).
2024/08/07: Transfer from Capital One 360 to FNB posts ($1275).
2024/08/14: Transfer from Capital One 360 to FNB posts ($2025).
2024/09/03-05: Paid electric bill in 17 separate increments with the debit card.
2024/12/03 (today): Still nothing.

Some notes:

1) Each debit card transaction was $5-$17 each.
2) Each debit card transaction shows a description of “POS PUR…”.
3) Each debit card transaction is categorized as “Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio”.
4) My Capital One transfers have the description of “Capital One Transfer” and are categorized as “Uncategorized”.

The mailer says that each reward will be credited to the account “within 15 business days following the 90-day period”. 90 days after account opening is October 14th, and 15 business days after that is roughly November 4th, so it’s been about a month since the bonuses should have paid out.

There are some DPs out there that took a bit longer, but my timeline is already longer than those. Obviously I’m not going to raise a stink claiming I should get the DD portion of the bonus, but I should at least qualify for the debit card spend bonus, correct?

I’ve churned this bonus twice so far, this is my third time. I closed my last account on 2023/04/04, so I should be good there as well.

Any advice?

Frazz (@guest_1973157)
December 20, 2024 14:02


2024/12/06 (almost two months after the bonus should’ve posted): Reached out to customer service over email saying that I should have received at least part of the bonus by now. Got a response on the same day saying they would look into it.

2024/12/13: Reached out to customer service again on the same email thread. They said “We have submitted research requests for your account. Once those have been completed, credit should be applied to your account assuming it is found that you completed the stipulations of the promotion”.

2024/12/19: “Promotional Reward SE6002407″ posts ($600).

I was not expecting to get the full $600 because I did not do real DDs (I used Capital One). I only reached out to the bank because I knew I was due for the $300 credit for meeting the debit card spend requirement. So this was a nice surprise.

TL;DR: Does Capital One still work as a DD? I guess so, especially since they manually reviewed my account, apparently. Thanks as always, Doc.

Max (@guest_1960851)
November 28, 2024 09:52

Opened 8/25, 15 ~$1 transfers to Bluebird 9/9-9/11, real DD 10/01, bonus hit 11/27

z-nut (@guest_1916309)
September 20, 2024 17:40

Received a targeted mailer for 300 + 300 (2.5k DD and 15 “debits” of any kind within 90 days) for a September 2024 campaign, must open by Nov 4, 2024. It specifically references my local branch, but is valid online and in person.

Max (@guest_1883229)
July 27, 2024 11:53

Got a targeted mailer for this. $300 for $2.5k DD and $300 for 15 debit transactions w/in 90 days. Good until 8/30/2024

Mike (@guest_1814343)
March 15, 2024 14:52

I got the mailer and just opened the account. However my mailer has slightly different conditions to get the $600 bonus: $300 after $2500 deposit, and $300 after 15 debit transactions. I couldnt open it online and when I called they told me to get to the branch. I called the branch and they were able to open the acount by sending them the ID by private message.

Alex (@guest_1810334)
March 8, 2024 12:13

Anyone else recently get a mailer? I was suppose to get one (saw it within informed delivery) but mail wasnt delivered that day, so not sure if it has a unique code or what the terms are. Can only see that it was a $600 bonus.

SirBews (@guest_1811165)
March 9, 2024 14:17

Yes, I got the mailer, it has a unique code that you have to use to get the $600 bonus. ($400 after $2500 deposit, and $200 after 15 debit transactions).

Ben (@guest_1623401)
May 24, 2023 21:23

Just got the $600 offer in the mail. $400 for making direct deposit of $2500 or more, and $200 for 15 or more debit transactions

Bertrand (@guest_1567494)
March 2, 2023 18:15

Deleted, wrong thread

MHS (@guest_1343907)
March 6, 2022 13:23

DP – Bonus-earning and account-closing data points:
– 2/22/2021 – Account (Freestyle Checking) opened online
– 3/11/2021 – $2,521 transferred in from E*Trade
– 3/16/2021 – $2,520 transferred in from Chase
– 3/17/2021 – $2,522 transferred in from PNC
– 3/31/2021 – Completed 10+ “Online Bill Payments” (debits)
– 3/31/2021 – $25 PENGUINS PACKAGE ANNUAL FEE assessed
– 4/22/2021 – $2,510 transferred in from Capital One
– 6/23/2021 – $400 bonus deposited into account
– 2/14/2022 – Requested that account be closed (via secure message)
– 2/15/2022 – Account closed (without any notification)
– 2/16/2022 – Noticed unable to login to online banking
– 3/4/2022 – Called to verify that account closed, as requested, after waiting on hold for 51 minutes

I don’t understand how I got opted-in for the $25 “Penguins Package”.

the other Justin
the other Justin (@guest_1327678)
February 7, 2022 16:20

I received a 1099-MISC from First National Bank in the mail today

Jolly (@guest_1340657)
February 28, 2022 22:07

Would you happen to have the Payer ID Number? Looks like mine got lost in the mail, because still nothing.

MC (@guest_1340750)
March 1, 2022 03:10

First National Bank
4140 E State St
Hermitage, PA 16148
Payer’s TIN 25-1255405