Citi Dividend Q2 2021 Categories: Supermarkets, Drugstores

Citi released the quarterly categories for their 5% Dividend card for Q2 2021:

  • Supermarkets
  • Drugstores

Sign up begins March 15th.

Citi Dividend works differently than most other 5% cards in that you can max out the full $300 cashback for the entire year whenever you’d like, it doesn’t have to be $75 each quarter. I can see a lot of people maxing out the full $6,000 of spend at the grocery store or drugstore this quarter, and then not using the card for the rest of the year.

Hat tip to @telewatcr

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Obtain the Grain
Obtain the Grain (@guest_1177385)
April 15, 2021 21:17

Any DP on how Instacart codes for the Citi Dividend?

Clark (@guest_1172666)
April 7, 2021 10:22

I’m assuming HEB & Brookshires count as supermarkets? Would be helpful to see a full list what Citi considers supermarkets.

Amy (@guest_1162877)
March 18, 2021 15:05

This will pair well with the email offer I received (spend $200+/mo. March through May and get a $10/mo. statement credit, $30 maximum bonus).

March 15, 2021 03:38

Alriggggggggght. Time to buy 12x 505.95 worth of groceries for the year.

pennel (@guest_1160965)
March 14, 2021 18:27

Supermarkets are retail markets that sell foods and household merchandise. Purchases made at Target, Walmart, Kmart*, general merchandise/discount superstores, freezer/meat locker provisioners, dairy product stores, miscellaneous food/convenience stores, markets, drugstores, warehouse clubs, wholesale clubs, specialty vendors, bakeries, candy stores, nut stores, confectionery stores, or meal kit delivery services do not qualify.

so Target and Walmart are not supermarket??

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1161013)
March 14, 2021 21:00

Correct. Discover believes this as well. Not even WMNM.

pennel (@guest_1161099)
March 15, 2021 01:02

Thanks for confirming. I figure they should say grocery store instead of supermarkets

Lily (@guest_1161535)
March 16, 2021 07:18

pennel It’s strange that citi preferred card considers walmart as “grocery store” while citi dividend does not.

Tomtoo (@guest_1161086)
March 15, 2021 00:29

As a side note, Huntington Voice MC considers Target and Walmart supermarkets all year at 3%.

Jeff (@guest_1169884)
April 2, 2021 10:33

Meijer likely doesn’t count, either. Best to use this at local grocers.

Jeff H
Jeff H (@guest_1160886)
March 14, 2021 16:05

Got a Email activation link March 14th

Scotty (@guest_1160837)
March 14, 2021 14:21

@Chuck Can you still PC to this card or are people being blocked from product changing? I’ve heard conflicting information.

atexit8 (@guest_1160941)
March 14, 2021 17:36

I wish I had gotten this credit card. 🙁

William Charles
March 14, 2021 19:26

Seen very few successful dp lately, but it’s still theoretically possible if you get the right rep.

Marilyn Hugue
Marilyn Hugue (@guest_1160836)
March 14, 2021 14:21

Will def be maxing out this qtr

Eric (@guest_1160898)
March 14, 2021 16:37

This deal starts next quarter. I’m guessing that’s what you meant.

Marilyn (@guest_1160835)
March 14, 2021 14:20


JP (@guest_1160818)
March 14, 2021 13:30

Sigh. I’m gunna have to sock drawer the card as I’vemaxed out $300 in q1 in Amazon.

Eric (@guest_1160899)
March 14, 2021 16:38

How did you spend $6K on Amazon in 1 quarter?

JP (@guest_1161148)
March 15, 2021 08:41

Lots of biz purchases and few consoles to resell. 🙂