Peacock Premium (Ad Supported): 6 Months For $15 With Promo Code TODAY

Update 11/22/21: Deal is back, this time for $15 instead of $21.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Peacock Premium is offering six months of the ad supported version for $15 with promo code TODAY

Our Verdict

Basically $9 off. You can try going through a portal as well for another $6 back  This enrolls you in auto billing as well, so you’ll be charged $4.99 per month after the 6 month period.

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lilurbanachiever (@guest_1289455)
November 26, 2021 08:48


YoniPDX (@guest_1287427)
November 22, 2021 19:04

Makes AmEx credits a joke esp if you have the free for a year with T-Mobile.

Dimi (@guest_1288202)
November 23, 2021 22:08

As far as I now only Paramount (UEFA Champions League etc) and not Peacock (EPL) is included for free with T-Mobile. Have I missed the Peacock deal?

YoniPDX (@guest_1288206)
November 23, 2021 22:18

Your quite correct – I’ve been mixing them ever since CBS changed to Paramount+.

But all the free promos or deeply discounted versions that are AD supported. I e. Hulu,/CBSl/Paramount/Peacock.

I just wish T-mo offer pay the difference on non-ad/mult-screen like they do with Netflix.

Matthew Greer
Matthew Greer (@guest_1287418)
November 22, 2021 18:32

Just a reminder that if you’re a comcast/xfinity internet only customer, you can get peacock premium for free if you get a free flex box.

YoniPDX (@guest_1287425)
November 22, 2021 19:02

Just a reminder Comcast/Xfinity SUXS!

Novacat05 (@guest_1309667)
January 5, 2022 14:15

Just a reminder, many people have no other choice and can’t get FiOS, the only other serious high speed offering.

John M
John M (@guest_1287378)
November 22, 2021 17:35

Some things on peacock are free. These pay services are only if you want shows and movies that are brand new or live sports. Wait a couple of years and it all turns to free somewhere. Brand new means something that is not rebooted over and over like NCIS or Star Trek.

TB (@guest_1287400)
November 22, 2021 18:03

No wants to wait a couple of years, boomer.

Dave (@guest_1287348)
November 22, 2021 16:56

Thanks doc. Good deal for 6 months to basically take me through end of English Premier league season.

betterplanetbob (@guest_1282776)
November 13, 2021 12:52

Does anyone know how to get this portal credit with TopCashBack? They ask for an order number or confirmation number, but those aren’t given in any way by Peacock during the process.

nia1598 (@guest_1426388)
August 16, 2022 23:06

I have the same issue. did you figure it out?

betterplanetbob (@guest_1426570)
August 17, 2022 09:44

No, never did. TCB doesn’t track and doesn’t give order numbers for streaming sometimes (Peacock, Vudu). But it did work for Disney+

betterplanetbob (@guest_1268697)
October 18, 2021 17:59

DP: did this on my BofA Oct 13 and was notified of the $3 credit today.

Brian Smelly
Brian Smelly (@guest_1266101)
October 13, 2021 15:51

Man.. these amex benefits keep on getting watered down.

Ted (@guest_1266022)
October 13, 2021 12:50

Peacock is pretty good for movies. You watch two minutes of ads at the beginning, then you are good for the whole rest of the film. They have a nice selection, especially of commercial films.

lilurbanachiever (@guest_1287408)
November 22, 2021 18:14

My main problem with ads is that they are atrocious on Yellowstone. The only show I might want to closely watch there. The ads are much less invasive on the other content. Anyways, I got a Platinum credit that I might just use on this deal. Thanks for the heads up !

Hari (@guest_1265789)
October 12, 2021 21:00

Does this stack with Amex benefit?

BN (@guest_1266590)
October 14, 2021 00:34

It should. BTW, I can’t find any $6 portal as mentioned above.