The Offer
- Delta has an unadvertised flash sale with round trip flights to Mexico from 11,000 miles
Our Verdict
Use the monthly calendar to quickly view pricing and then you can go from there. But availability is best in February & March but available from January through April.
Hat tip to DDG
Good luck with cleanliness and sanitation amidst omicron
Ay caramba!
Seeing absolutely retarded levels of prices. 100k+ for round-trips and 36k+ for one-way…
Your name sounds more retarded. Just book 2 one-way tickets then. No need to complain. That’s how business operates.
36k is still more than 11k.
The extra ~$100 taxes on the return kind of kill it. Would be cheaper to buy with cash.
You have to pay the taxes when you buy with cash too.
Yes but people wouldn’t choose to go to MX paying cash
Taxes are the same regardless if you use points or cash….
Hmm, not seeing anything. Am I looking in the right place, since there’s no link/URL to the offer?
It is unadvertised, which means there is no page advertising it. You just have to search for flights.