[Expired] AmEx Offers: Save 20% On Expedia Prepaid Hotel Booking, Up To $150 Back

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The Offer

Check your AmEx Offers for the following deal:

  • Get 20% back as a statement credit by using your enrolled eligible Card to make prepaid hotel (“pay online now”) purchases online only at expedia.com/amex by 12/19/2022. Limit of $150 back in total statement credits.

The Fine Print

  • Valid only on purchases made in US dollars.

Our Verdict

Nice deal. This should work on the regular Expedia site as well (despite the terms) which makes it possible to stack along with a shopping portal. This offer seems to be widely available, though I can’t find it on my own cards.

Hat tip to philosophers_groove

View more Amex offers here & if you have any questions about American Express offers then read this post.

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JJ (@guest_1470546)
October 22, 2022 00:57

It says that lodging cannot be before or after the promotion date. How does Amex know if I’m staying after the promotion date?

CL (@guest_1469435)
October 20, 2022 16:32

Damn u amex, I really don’t want to use that PoS portal… and tbh 20% I still might not ROFL.

JR (@guest_1469426)
October 20, 2022 16:22

Does this include express deals?

JJJJ (@guest_1469476)
October 20, 2022 17:18

I don’t think amex can differentiate that