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Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1472954)
October 26, 2022 04:03

From the 1st page of the application…

Am I eligible for Civic membership?
Civic’s primary field of membership is for local government employees, their families and their businesses.

Worried about meeting eligibility requirements? During your application, we can help you figure out which eligibility option works best for you. We have options for people and businesses in North Carolina and some of its bordering states.

Also of interest, this credit union has no branches. Kinda strange. HQ in Raleigh.

W (@guest_1472868)
October 26, 2022 00:06

Just an FYI, they are quite Chex Sensitive, and will only accept account applications from NC, SC, VA, and GA.

There are NO backdoors to these requirements.

Cate the MSer
Cate the MSer (@guest_1472791)
October 25, 2022 21:47

Time to move to NC.

esaphire3 (@guest_1472940)
October 26, 2022 03:06

I’ve “moved” to many states, but to have to “move” for a credit card SUB that’s a new one usually its only bank accounts

Diego (@guest_1472964)
October 26, 2022 04:58

As soon as I saw the headline of this post I knew there would be at least one reader here rubbing their hands together and cackling, “Challenge accepted!”

I remain convinced that the very savvy individual who took Jiko for $47,000 was a DoC regular.