Update 12/12/22: Just some small updates to my story:
- I called in directly to the Membership Rewards number 800-297-3276 and they were quickly able to link my accounts together. Initially, the cashout ability at 1:1 was still not showing (it showed 1:.8), but after a few days that updated and I’m now able to cash out at 1:1.
- The employee card which was added during application did not show up initially. I only got the primary card and the employee card wasn’t even showing in the login. After a number of days the employee card reflected in the login and eventually came in the mail.
- I chose Southwest for the airline credit and I’m making good use of that.
- I used up and have already been credited for the $200 from Dell. I didn’t get an Amex Offer for Dell to stack that with, unfortunately. But I did get a nice pop-up offer from the Capital One Shopping chrome extension for Dell which tracked.
- I successfully got the $10 wireless credit on my prepaid wireless bill.
- I’ll get $200 of minimum spend knocked off by purchasing Amazon gift cards at Lowe’s with the Amex Offer which was showing up on the card.
Original Post 12/1/22:Â
Although I consider my credit card applications to be rather innocent, I’ve discovered that others find them interesting. Perhaps it’s amusing to get a glimpse into another person’s credit card strategies. Here is the story of my recent Amex Business Platinum approval.
The timing of applying now will be obvious to any hobbyists due to the triple-dip: with a single annual fee I can potentially get the benefit of three $200 airline credits – 2022, 2023, and 2024. While the airline incidental credit no longer works on gift cards, the flights are still good for incidentals, upgrades, and other interesting uses. I can also potentially get $200 in Dell credit for 2022, $400 for 2023, and $200 for 2024. I honestly have no idea on what to use the Dell credits.
I applied for the Business Platinum card using the 150,000/$15,000 + 10,000/$1,000 employee link under my name/SSN. Given my previous business Platinum card from a few years ago, I had no idea if they would approve the application or give me the pop-up denial. An instant approval came as a pleasant surprise. Subsequently, the system provided me the option to add an employee card, which I had to do to qualify for the additional 10,000 points bonus. I chose the Green employee card which is fee-free.
I felt pretty bad a few days later when there surfaced a 170,000 link – which I was able to pull up after a few attempts – 10,000 points better. Oh well, such is life. Amex will sometime offer courtesy points to match a higher offer. However, I don’t intend to try the match given the 170k offer isn’t easily available.
Aside from the giant 160k/170k signup bonus, triple dipping, and Business Platinum benefits, I also wanted the ability to cash out Membership Rewards points at 1 cent-per-point which requires the Business Platinum card and an Amex business checking account. I’ve had the Amex business checking account for some time now for – what used to be – the competitive interest rate offered on business accounts which is rare. (Incidentally, they just increased the signup bonus on the business checking account to 60,000 which is excellent deal.)
The Amex system gave me an instant card number. They also prompted me to link the card immediately in the Amex login. The process of tying the card to the login didn’t go smoothly – I’m in that boat alongside other new business Platinum cardholders who are experiencing the same issue. To fix this, the process is to first wait for the physical card and then contact customer support to get the new account aligned in their backend system.
I called into Amex after receiving the card. After being transferred to the correct department, the lady linked my new card – internally on their end of the system – to my online account. She instructed me to wait 48 hours and then to manually link it from within the Amex login on my end. The next morning I was able to successfully link my card manually (Chrome browser errored out but Safari worked). My Membership Rewards accounts still aren’t properly linked and I don’t yet have the ability to redeem points via the Amex Business Checking at 1 CPP. Developing…
I then activated the wireless credit and I’ll pay $10 each month to my wireless phone service. I activated the Dell credit and have to try find inga way to use up the $200 credit before the end of December. And I’ll choose my designated airline and try to find a way to use up that credit before the end of December. The other status and travel benefits I’ll use throughout the year as they become relevant for my travels.
I have three months to spend $15,000 in order to get the 150,000 bonus. I’ll spend at least $1,000 on the employee card to get the 10,000 points bonus and another $14,000 on the primary card to get the 150,000 points bonus. I haven’t yet received the employee card, I guess it comes slower than the main card. I’ll try spending in increments of $5,000+ in order to get the increased earn rate of 1.5x per dollar.
Around year-end is my main time to apply for credit cards, especially those with large spend requirements, since there are tax bills to pay and sometimes charity donations to make.
Hopefully someone found this interesting. 🙂
Can you double dip the clear credit? Like renew in January right before cancelling?
Has anyone been able to get the $10 wireless credit by buying gift cards on Verizon.com?
If you don’t get a popup, are you guaranteed to be eligible for the sign up bonus?
when you cash out amex points, will they issue 1099 for tax?
I assume they will not 1099 it (they don’t 1099 Schwab cashouts or other cashouts)
Just a note, when getting a new Bus Plat and already have a Bus Plat, if you choose to get your number right away and choose from the Amex site to add that card to PayPal, it adds in your original Bus Plat card with your new Bus Card’s expiration date!!! So your new card is not in PayPal. Happened to both wife and I three days ago.
Must be some type of glitch in the system. So manually add your new card to PayPal, don’t rely on Amex site to do it!!!
In my case I couldn’t even tell because my new and old card had the same last 4 digits. So I ended up charging a new purchase to my old card! Both cards on PayPal system were the same old card number with different exp dates!
Dell credit use – I had originally thought about computers only – BUT – I just ordered a Fitbit tracker/watch + Epson printer INK cartridges. In January it will be Bluetooth earbuds. So, think about the smaller stuff that Dell also carries, including various accessories.
Good idea for
There’s a good bunch of accessories that are priced reasonably (especially after portal and other discounts) that can be bought with the Plat credits. I’ve bought a spare Dell laptop charger, speakers, webcam, keyboards, knapsacks, ear buds, mouses, mini hubs (usb, hdmi, ethernet), etc. You can even try to price match some items if you have the time.
Can employees with employee cards sign up for online access? It seems to be giving an error, and activation required a phone call to an automated system, but still no online account available to set up.
I don’t know, I didn’t set up a separate login for the employee card
I see, thanks so much!
That’s a smart idea
They can, yes. The reason why you can’t sign up online with an AU is because AMEX wants the AUs SSN + DOB in their system to activate the card. If you call the # that leads to the automated system, it will prompt you for that to activate and then you should be able to create a new username if you’d like.
Thanks, looks like I just tried too soon after calling to activate. Tried again to create online account and it worked!
I have a 150K+10K NLL Biz Plat in my account but I can’t get myself to pull the trigger. I will meet the 15K MS (over)paying taxes, the fees for the tax payment + annual fee eats up most of the SU bonus. That leaves the credits, of which dell is useless and airline is slightly less useless. I get access to all lounges through other cards.
The previous offer for 150K + 25K *4 + 1 year of no interest was a no-brainer. This one, not so much.
lol okay..
$800 dell + $600 airline = $1400
160k pts SUB + spending (14k + 1k = 23k) = 183k pts
60k MR biz checking
$1400 credits + 243k pts ($2430 cash)
vs $695 AF + paying for spending @ 2% ($300) = $995
So $1400 credits + $1430 net cash.
Thanks for this. Not trying to influence anyone. Let’s hope everyone can think for themselves.
Dell credits would be useful if they were $800 all at once, they are not. And useful if you needed to buy from Dell. Many people end up buying something just to use up the credit. During the pandemic I was afraid of losing all my airline gift cards, if the airlines had filed for bankruptcy I probably would have. The credits are ephemeral, or in the best case sub-optimal. The annual fee is cold hard cash. I value the credits at very low multiple.
The only useful thing is the SU bonus. If you overpay taxes at the beginning of the year, you will get them back one year later. The interest rates are 4% now. You should include 4% of 15K as the cost. Maybe less depending on individuals
Finally tracking the credits and keeping up on which method still works to trigger and tracking the portal payouts all take time and effort and should have a cost.
Like I said it is not a NO brainer, I did not say it has no value.
This is a very good deal, especially given the timing of application which can mean double and likely tripe dipping on all the credits.
If you don’t want to or can’t do the deal given your circumstances, OK. But don’t try to persuade others this is not a good deal, simple math shows there is solid value here, if credits/benefits are used properly.
Thanks for sharing
Chuck . Got the 170,000 offer after three tries in incognito. Didn’t have your problems linking to my online profile. Activated all offers. Trying to figure out what to get from Dell. Don’t need anymore printers, LOL. Always need more storage though.
Your post was incredibly helpful explaining difference offers available and why now is the time to apply. Instance approval. Already had business checking with them I opened right before they increased the bonus to 60k (from 30k). Will see if they’ll match higher offer.
what did you buy at dell? I bought xbox gift card $50 last friday and the payment is still pending. have no clue what is going on there.
If it’s still “pending” prepare for cancellation of the order. That just happened to me.
what else can i buy? thinking for resale purpose.