[Expired] Office Depot/Max: Buy $100 In Select Giftcards & Get $20 Rewards (DoorDash, Cabela’s & More)

Deal has ended, view more Office Depot/Max deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Office Depot/Max is offering 20% back in rewards when you purchase $100+ in any of the following gift cards (limit of $20 in rewards per member):
    • Barnes & Noble
    • Cabela’s
    • Domino’s
    • DoorDash
    • JCPenney
    • PlayStation Store
    • Spafinder
    • Total Wine

The Fine Print

  • Valid in store only
  • Valid until 6/17/23
  • Limit $20 in reward per member

Our Verdict

You max this promotion out by purchasing a $100 gift card. It is profitable for resale, but hardly worth the effort with such a small cap. Make sure to use a card that earns at a high rate on office supply stores.

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P (@guest_1636376)
June 17, 2023 17:11

My local officemax’s policy when purchasing gift card they practically act like a-holes.

My friend and I went this morning to purchase gift cards and we were told we cannot check out separately, we have to checkout together. We asked why when we are two different people with two different names (first and last), living in two different households and using two different cards and they said they just can’t do it. So, we asked if we stop being friends and are strangers now, can we checkout separately, and they said no.

I don’t even know why they sell gift cards and when they don’t feel and act like they want to sell them?

Brandon (@guest_1632970)
June 12, 2023 01:43

link to offer doesn’t show anything

Frey (@guest_1633087)
June 12, 2023 09:44

It shows the weekly deals. This seal is the last one of the 4 listed.

There’s a photo of gift cards with the heading: 20% Back in Bonus Rewards

KKN (@guest_1632933)
June 12, 2023 00:02

I did go to store and bought doordash $100 card but there was no offer mentioned on the aisle like it is normally for visa card promotions. Also did check with store manager and the team was not aware. I hope it automatically gets added to your rewards account.

David (@guest_1633310)
June 12, 2023 17:14

Please let us know if it goes through. Want to stop and get one, but was hesitant if there’s no advertising.

Celia (@guest_1633373)
June 12, 2023 18:57

There was a sign at my location. Is also at the link above as well as shows up under the Rewards | Deals in my app.

Celia (@guest_1633624)
June 13, 2023 09:48

I can now confirm that the rewards show up under activity after purchasing yesterday.

Frey (@guest_1632821)
June 11, 2023 19:04

Chase offers for 5-10% off.