The Offer
- Chase Ultimate Rewards program is offering a 50% transfer bonus when you transfer to Marriott. Normally you can transfer at a rate of 1:1 and under this promotion that increases to 1:1.5
The Fine Print
- Valid until September 30, 2023
Our Verdict
You can view a full list of current and past transfer bonuses by clicking here. This is the third Marriott transfer bonus we’ve seen. Bonus itself isn’t worth considering unless you just need a small top up for an award as Chase UR points are so much more valuable.
This is like paying 1 cent per point. Not a good deal. Marriott often has points on sale at 0.7 cent or less.
About a month too late for me…
Im short miles for an American Airlines flight redemption. Chase doesnt transfer to AA but Marriott does. Is it possible to transfer to chase to marriott, then marriott to AA?
good question.. I was also wondering too
G Musso
Sure, but it’s a 3:1 transfer ratio between Marriott and AA…not in your favor. So even with the bonus, you’re looking at 1 UR -> 0.5 AA miles, which is pretty terrible
oh wow 3:1.. that’s not good at all.. lol i thought I read somewhere it was 1:1.. maybe that was a promo
Is this a good deal?
Not unless you have a specific redemption in mind. Chase UR are generally worth about 1-2cpp, while Marriott points are usually worth about .7cpp.
I found one US hotel for an upcoming trip where I would save about $50 a night transferring UR to Marriott and booking through Marriott vs using Chase CSR UR points for the same standard room through the Chase portal, so in this case it would have worked out in my favor. For other room types at the same hotel, it wouldn’t have worked in my favor.
Really good opportunity that I wish I could have taken advantage of when I made my reservation.
Is this a good deal? I’m new to Marriott. I plan on cashing out my Chase UR points this year before my CSR is set to renew in December. Or do you get better value booking Marriott hotels with Chase Travel?
Its a hilariously bad deal.
Do you mind elaborating please?
battlestar galactica.
No need to cash out your UR because you don’t need the CSR anymore. Simply downgrade the CSR to any Freedom flavored card and keep your UR.
This cannot be overstated. The Freedom Flex is likely one of the best No AF cards out there. 5x rotating, 3x dining/pharmacy
If down graded from the preferred to Freedom does that mean you keep your points? Can the points still be used towards 1.25x towards flights like the preferred. Not sure how points can be cashed out with the flex card .
If you downgrade to Freedom you can keep your points. You won’t be able to use toward 1,25x. That is only with CSP or the Business Ink Preferred (CIP). You can always stash the UR until you get another premium card like the CSP, CSR, CIP that you can transfer points or if you like the portal use it towards that 1,25x (CIP and CSP) and 1.5x (CSR).
If you apply for one business card a year, the 1.5x adder basically pays for the CSR AF (after travel credits). That plus the priority pass, CSR is still useful to have around. Just not as great as it used to be.
I think Chase was losing money previously on the CSR so they lowered benefits and increased the fee. At this point, for PP I prefer Venture X.
+1 on Venture X . It gives AUs PP and AUs are free.
I will also add that with Venture X, using the CapOne shopping portal (the one in your login) has brought additional cash back like Amex offers. Have received several hundred $ on VGC orders,
If there is a specific hotel you plan to stay in? Look at the cost of a reservation in dollars verse point cost. There are some where making this transfer is worth it but the majority are not. Mine is for a room that would cost $200 with taxes but is only 15,500 points so a transfer of 10,000 + 5000 bonus just about covers the room
nice! yeah, I was looking at hotel rooms in Portland, Oregon.. but as far as I can tell.. it seems better value going through Chase Travel.. even though the Chase Travel portal is a pain in the butt to use.
marriot points are valuede at .8 cents so you getting 1.2 which is ok deal. if you want hotel point hyatt is the way to go