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Slickdealer (@guest_1777255)
January 13, 2024 17:54

Just received a letter saying my existing WF Business Platinum Visa will be converted to one of their new MC cards on March 7th, 2024. The new cards haven’t been released on their site yet. Gonna wait to if I can still qualify for the SUB of their new cards even if my current one is converted. If not, I’ll probably close my current card and re-apply for the new one.

Holly (@guest_1714560)
October 13, 2023 03:06

I received a letter today that my WF Platinum Biz Card that earns 1.5% cash back will be closed if I don’t use it within 45 days. I haven’t used it in probably 2 years. Can’t decide if I should use it or not. Will it be converted to a new one I wonder and if so then will I wish I let it close bc then I can’t get the bonus on one of their new cards? I guess it’s too early to know.

Billy (@guest_1737912)
November 16, 2023 07:08

Probably safer to keep it open because 1) you can always close it later and 2) these new business cards may be severely delayed or never released

Damion (@guest_1678285)
August 23, 2023 11:55

Must’ve passed on the Amplitude/Actualize personal cards. I know WF cancelled the Trilliant/Ratio cards

Teri (@guest_1678178)
August 23, 2023 09:51

I’ve read that you will be automatically approved. In fact, there’s no need to apply because they probably have already created an account for you. Thumbs up to WF for being so customer focused.

ExploreYourWorld (@guest_1678458)
August 23, 2023 15:28


Slanky (@guest_1678120)
August 23, 2023 09:12

hopefully something equivalent to the previous $500 WF Biz Plat bonus

Alex (@guest_1677956)
August 23, 2023 02:15

At best, a $1,000 SUB for $5,000/$10,000 spend or something

Derrick The Wanderboy
Derrick The Wanderboy (@guest_1678520)
August 23, 2023 16:24

i’ll take a 20% return off 5k spend.

Alex (@guest_1680332)
August 26, 2023 05:07

Best I can do is 2%. Take it or leave it.

Andy (@guest_1677944)
August 23, 2023 01:53

I haven’t been this excited since that time I went to the DMV and they told me it would be a 3-hour wait.

sybloc (@guest_1677879)
August 22, 2023 23:25

Do WF biz cards report to personal?

Road_Dog (@guest_1677909)
August 23, 2023 00:27

They do not. I opened a WF Biz Platinum for the $300 SUB during the $1,500 biz checking promo.

Tela (@guest_1678095)
August 23, 2023 08:55

Ohh, thats $1500 biz chk promo was the best one, by far

Rediff (@guest_1678466)
August 23, 2023 15:40

And no hard pull on credit report for the one we opened with that 1500 chk offer..

Anyone knows if all biz cards from WF doesn’t result in hard pull?

Acid Bath
Acid Bath (@guest_1677873)
August 22, 2023 23:08

This is just much ado about nothing. WF’s business cards have only ever been good as drink coasters.

killdozer (@guest_1677870)
August 22, 2023 23:05

These cards will never be able to compete with Chase/Amex’s business cards. WF just keeps pumping out mediocre products that barely make a dent in its market share.