[Targeted] Venmo: Transfer $500 In Crypto To Venmo & Get $50 Cashback

The Offer

No direct link to offer, sent out via e-mail. Subject line is ‘Transfer $500 in crypto to Venmo to earn $50 cash back’

  • Venmo is offering $50 cash back when you transfer $500 in Crypto to Venmo

Our Verdict

Seems like an easy deal to complete if you have some crypto and don’t mind transferring.

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slanky (@guest_1733989)
November 9, 2023 18:30

got my $50 after a few chats back and forth. didnt get the extra $25 tho 🙁

Pikachoose ⚡️
Pikachoose ⚡️ (@guest_1729837)
November 3, 2023 21:11

Worked for me: Got targeted email on 21 Oct, transferred $500+ in BTC into Venmo on 31 Oct, got $50 deposit from Venmo on 3 Nov!

Elliot (@guest_1729570)
November 3, 2023 15:07

Contacted Venmo via live chat about this deal last week and they tried to claim that their internal KB says the offer pays out in 4-6 weeks. I sent them a screenshot of the terms from the 10/16 promotional email about it only taking 7 days to post. After about a week of radio silence they just sent me $75 with the description “Here is your award for transferring crypto, plus a little extra for the wait!”

fearthez (@guest_1729577)
November 3, 2023 15:23

Yup just got the same Frank heads up

Frank (@guest_1727567)
November 1, 2023 02:03

Just a heads up that the T&C in the email they sent are a big fat lie – it says the $50 will be paid within 7 days. I completed on 10/17, contacted support on 10/24 and was told it wouldn’t be paid until 4-6 weeks after the promo ends on 11/6. They were kind enough to apologize for the inconvenience. I was dumb enough to buy crypto just to do this, so I’m out $20 in transaction/mining fees and I highly doubt I’ll ever see this money. In 4-6 weeks I’m sure they’ll find some way to tell me I didn’t qualify and then the promo will be over so I won’t be able to try again. Don’t waste your time with these Venmo promos, they can and will change the terms to screw you. Very glad I took the crypto out immediately after transferring it in, will never use them for anything crypto related ever again after being lied to like this.

Slanky (@guest_1722700)
October 25, 2023 08:57

have not received the $50 still.. i completed the transfer basically when I received the email for it

Frank (@guest_1727568)
November 1, 2023 02:08

The stated 7 day payment time in the T&C is a “mistake” according to support – won’t be paid out until 4-6 weeks after the promo period ends. After 3 days and several emails I finally got a reply from a supervisor repeating that it won’t be paid for 4-6 weeks and apologizing for the inconvenience. My response to that email was promptly ignored. Absolute trash customer service. Would not recommend ever doing one of their promos again. Just be glad you got your crypto out without them pulling some BS.

mikesophie (@guest_1717592)
October 17, 2023 22:21

Started having a lot of issues with the company dripcoin after I placed a withdraw order for the $270,000 usd I had with them. The account manager disappeared, the support didn’t respond to emails and I thought it was over cause I made the payments in crypto but didn’t give up though. Searched online and got referred to the agency ([email protected]) by a lady that got back her bitcoins from another company with their help so I filed a complaint with them, did all they asked and waited for result. They flagged the company dripcoin, took more serious actions against them and got all my money back. The agency is highly recommended if you need help.

OST (@guest_1717622)
October 17, 2023 23:34

Nice ad

fearthez (@guest_1717127)
October 17, 2023 12:40

Was targeted for this, haven’t received the $50 credit yet (terms say 7 days from Crypto being received), but here’s my DP thus far

– Transfer in $500 of Crypto Venmo supports for $50
– Purchased $505 of LTC on Robinhood
– Transferred all to Venmo, arriving as $503.44 ($1.56 loss)
– Transferred all to Juno (to avoid selling fee), arrived as $490.13 ($13.31 loss)
– Sold all in Juno, no fee

Total loss $14.87, waiting $50 for $35.13 profit

Frank (@guest_1727569)
November 1, 2023 02:08

The stated 7 day payment time in the T&C is a “mistake” according to support – won’t be paid out until 4-6 weeks after the promo period ends. After 3 days and several emails I finally got a reply from a supervisor repeating that it won’t be paid for 4-6 weeks and apologizing for the inconvenience. My response to that email was promptly ignored. Absolute trash customer service. Would not recommend ever doing one of their promos again. Just be glad you got your crypto out without them pulling some BS.

fearthez (@guest_1728324)
November 1, 2023 22:03

Bummer. Thanks for the info. Will update if I ever get it

Jacob (@guest_1714968)
October 13, 2023 15:46

Anyone know if a Robinhood to Venmo transfer of BTC is possible?

007 (@guest_1714684)
October 13, 2023 10:22

Odd thing is that P2 got an email from Venmo with correct subject line but the text of the email doesn’t actually talk about the offer and doesn’t look the same as the screenshot DoC posted. Hmm

OP8 (@guest_1719429)
October 20, 2023 10:29

i am glad i am not the only one! i got the same email as your P2 and was extremely confused… i was going to give this offer a shot but with all the issues others are having and then factoring in the weird email that i got, i feel like it’s just going to be trouble and i am going to have to spend way more time than i care to spend fighting for my $40~ (after fees according to others)

007 (@guest_1719684)
October 20, 2023 15:52

Thanks for sharing. I think P2 will be sitting this one out.

Jake (@guest_1714515)
October 13, 2023 00:55

Any coin or Lite coin only? The invitation email doesn’t tell which coin but when I open Venmo app, it shows “Earn $50 cash back when you transfer $500 in Litecoin into Venmo”. Confused.

007 (@guest_1714698)
October 13, 2023 10:37

Clinic on terms right below it and terms say any crypto supported by PayPal