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MoreSun (@guest_1983491)
January 11, 2025 19:27

Filed a complaint with NCUA today ( over the $100 extra that never posted for me from my mid-July opening. I’ve contacted them 3 times since Nov and they keep saying they’re busy, they’ll get to reviewing my case. Only reason I’ve been this patient is I’ve been too busy to file lol but the holiday crazy has died down!

MoreSun (@guest_1989739)
January 22, 2025 11:47

1/17 early morning email from NCUA stating the complaint has been forwarded to ACCU
1/17 $100 bonus posted

File away folks…

Alicia Destiny
Alicia Destiny (@guest_1973603)
December 21, 2024 18:45

Used a local church to get in ( I do not attend ) .
10/23 Opened Secure Checking and Savings
10/24: $150 opening deposit
11/15: $510 DD from real job
11/29: $510 DD from real job
12/13: $510 DD from real job
12/20: $400 bonus posted

405_club (@guest_1973449)
December 21, 2024 08:42


10/09: Opened Secure Checking and Savings
11/08: $500 Payroll DD
11/22: $500 Payroll DD
12/20: Received $400

Lefty (@guest_1972761)
December 19, 2024 18:14

No need to wait 365 days to close. They don’t charge the $15 early termination fee. I zeroed out the account and then sent secure message to close account. They send a link to fill out the closing form. Account will disappear from online banking but still have access to log in. Not sure how that will affect ability to churn a year from now but will see if the offer comes back.

TRJ (@guest_2010876)
February 24, 2025 06:10

Thanks Lefty!! I have too many accounts and wanted to close both P1’s and P2’s.

Nathan (@guest_1970997)
December 16, 2024 18:33

Welp, they are denying giving me the $100 bonus because my code was applied retroactively. I applied 7/24 right after the promo code field disappeared and had to fight to get a code added retroactively. I mentioned that other reps had given me conflicted information about the code being applied automatically, and they said those reps were misinformed.

Do people think I might have luck with a CFPB complaint? Admittedly, I did play musical codes: tried REACH1644 first, then REACH1593, and lastly JOIN2024 via phone conversations with reps. But some things that ACCU handled improperly were: 1) website said you could get a code by calling in but calling the number listed didn’t work, plus a rep said that they do not provide codes via phone 2) terms said to apply code during app but the promo code field was not present in the app when I applied, and 3) one rep said the promo would be applied automatically but it wasn’t.

Also, how does one even submit a CFPB complaint? Is there a DoC page about it?

Here are some of my other comments if people want the complete story:

Grube325 (@guest_1957852)
November 23, 2024 18:15


Opened account on 9/4/24, two real DD’s of $501 most recently on 10/31. Bonus paid on 11/22.

Pretty fast!! All the work you all have been doing bugging them must be helping.

Anyone know if there is actually an early termination fee? I can’t find that on their site anywhere.

gerry (@guest_1971491)
December 17, 2024 14:35

original post said $15 fee if closed in less than a year

Lefty (@guest_1971573)
December 17, 2024 17:23

I think he’s asking if they actually try to charge that amount when the account is closed. Some banks say there’s a termination fee but don’t actually try to collect it when closed.

Derek (@guest_1956610)
November 21, 2024 20:18

7/25: Opened Checking and Savings
8/08: Received $100
Real $500 DD’s from employer every two weeks
11/21: Received $400

TRJ (@guest_1956102)
November 21, 2024 06:41

I contacted them about my real DD’s, which were pension payments, but received back a generic email outlining the requirements to receive the bonus. I messaged them again just now. Good grief!

TRJ (@guest_1956567)
November 21, 2024 18:44

The SM worked. I received the bonus today.

Tony (@guest_1955530)
November 20, 2024 11:10

has anyone messaged/chatted to close account after receiving the bonus? i would just prefer to close it out, even though there’s no monthly fees.

But curious if the 12 month ETF is actually enforced at all or not – anyone have a datapoint?

Retired (@guest_1955661)
November 20, 2024 13:35

I would like to know also.

Jennifer (@guest_1971223)
December 17, 2024 05:13

You could close it out with 15 in and they’ll either send you a check or keep it. Worth it to pay 15 if you plan on doing it again in 12 months

Frank Rizzo
Frank Rizzo (@guest_1955135)
November 19, 2024 18:23

Player 2 received bonus today. But instead of getting 1 $400 bonus we received 2 $400 bonuses. Not quite sure what to think about it.