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NBG (@guest_1914427)
September 18, 2024 12:50

Update from my previous DP: I was approved yday and today got a call stating they are cancelling due to Chex. All they could say was sorry for the mixup. Bunch of idiots and a wasted chex now. FWIW my chex was 2/1, 2/3 and 10+/12.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1914433)
September 18, 2024 12:53

That’s pretty worrisome for me as my stats are worse than that and I haven’t heard a peep from them yet. How long after you applied did they contact you? Did they call or email you?

NBG (@guest_1914456)
September 18, 2024 13:12

All happened in 2 days. What is worse they did not call initially. I called to check and that is when they informed and later a manager called and mentioned in detail. I would say go to the status page and check what it says.
For P2, it was denied after reapplying with chex unfreeze, but no email or whatsoever. Found out via status page.

I feel like there should be a class action on these banks that are chex sensitive. I cannot fathom # of inquiries being a criteria.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1914491)
September 18, 2024 13:45

I didn’t see a Status page but was able to find it by going to the application page. For anyone interested, the Status link is below.

Anyway, it shows “Application Denied”. That’s terrible if they don’t call or email rejected applicants.

Their initial email shows “Our Online Accounts Team will review your application and follow up with you shortly.”

Do you think that I should wait another week to follow up with them to find out the reason for denial?

NBG (@guest_1914493)
September 18, 2024 13:48

Don’t bother asking them.. It’s a dead end unless u want to hear their nonsense.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1914514)
September 18, 2024 14:00

I actually do want to hear what they have to say. I probably won’t be able to sway them but it never hurts to try. 😉

Bobo (@guest_1914764)
September 18, 2024 17:39

Thanks for this — I just checked and I, too, am denied. I guess these smaller banks are finally realizing many of us are not good candidates for their bank! 🙁

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1913642)
September 17, 2024 15:59

 William Charles,

Can you add a bolded note to the post that everyone should make sure to do $1K+ (rather than $100) for the initial funding? H XU and HarryTheFirstHarry saw the warning in my comment too late, unfortunately.

H XU (@guest_1913760)
September 17, 2024 17:59

not too late, as long as the application with $100 deposit is not approved, you can ask to cancel

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1913812)
September 17, 2024 18:51

Yes, I believe that I saw the comments from you and David after I made this comment. I hope that I end up getting approved also.

You ended up getting a 2nd Chex inquiry, correct?

H XU (@guest_1913870)
September 17, 2024 19:54

no, only 1x, the first one was cancelled before they process

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1914249)
September 18, 2024 10:32

I don’t think that a Chex inquiry can be “cancelled”. Did you actually check your Chex report? If anything, it would be the 2nd app that wouldn’t have an inquiry, I would think.

H Xu
H Xu (@guest_1914661)
September 18, 2024 15:57

I mean the first application cancelled so they even did not bother to check the chex

They are small bank without much fancy tech or automation. They even send email to request signature card with a scanned pdf file.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1914691)
September 18, 2024 16:38

I received an alert from OnAlert that a Chex inquiry was done during or immediately after the app. You followed up much later with them. I was wondering if they pulled Chex for the 2nd app.

HarryTheFirstHarry (@guest_1914208)
September 18, 2024 09:34

Unfortunately for me, the account is already open despite calling in twice on the first business day. I will have to withdraw funds and close it. Just one of those things.

NBG (@guest_1913261)
September 17, 2024 09:40

Was denied due to chex frozen. Called and checked to check on it and they mentioned to reapply with chex unfrozen. Did that and approved.

David (@guest_1912939)
September 16, 2024 18:07

My gut is telling me they may be checking DD carefully (based on the customer service response) and the lack of data points? Thoughts?

David (@guest_1912916)
September 16, 2024 16:51

I funded initially with $100. Got a phone call today telling me I wasn’t eligible for the promotion because of it, and he said he’d withdraw it and I could reapply.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1913659)
September 17, 2024 16:15

That’s really decent of them to do that. All you’ll lose is an additional Chex inquiry. When did you apply?

Katniss Everdeen 🔗
Katniss Everdeen 🔗 (@guest_1912891)
September 16, 2024 16:07

If you fund from an external bank transfer, what does it say on the external bank’s transaction? Does it mention “Parke Bank”?

H XU (@guest_1912791)
September 16, 2024 13:38

my 2nd application got approved

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1912175)
September 15, 2024 11:11

 William Charles,

You can also note that there is no credit card funding. The only option is to fund by ACH.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1912172)
September 15, 2024 11:08

I was planning on waiting until Monday or Tuesday to apply but there are more comments than I expected in this post, so I decided to take the plunge today instead.

I 1st unfroze my Chex before applying. It was a fairly long application compared to most that I have done.

I haven’t read through today’s new comments yet so maybe someone else already mentioned this, but I noticed that on the “Select Accounts” screen, if you put your cursor over the “?” by the “Parke Select Checking” account, it will show the bonus details so I did a print screen of that.

Since there is no promo code, I was glad to find that as I’m always worried that something will go wrong and I won’t get signed up for the promo.

Anyway, I liked the line “You must click and open each disclosure listed before checking the box and clicking accept.” They must be on to people that just agree to terms without actually reading the docs. Of course I would never do something like that. 😉

On the funding screen, it showed a $100 minimum deposit required. Be very careful with this. The offer terms specifically state that a $1K minimum deposit is required or the bonus is forfeited. I bet that they will catch at least some people with that.

My account went pending like others so hopefully I will have a similar success story that Teddy Ruxpin did.

 William Charles, you can update the post that they DO pull Chex as I received an email from OnAlert before I even fully submitted the app.

H XU (@guest_1912369)
September 15, 2024 18:39

I only funded $100, so what to do?

David (@guest_1912917)
September 16, 2024 16:52

You can wait for a phone call from them to withdraw it, or withdraw it yourself. Then try again.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1913633)
September 17, 2024 15:51

You might be out of luck. Maybe you can call and request for them to cancel your app and then apply again.

Ron (@guest_1912386)
September 15, 2024 19:23

Good detailed write up! Thanks
So did you go back to Chex and unfroze it before you hit submit ?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1913635)
September 17, 2024 15:53

Yes, I did. Whenever I really want a bonus, I make sure to apply with my Chex unfrozen.

HarryTheFirstHarry (@guest_1912510)
September 15, 2024 23:23

uh oh, I funded $100 only as well. Oh well, you win some, lose some. If I do get a call I will ask to either change the funding or close the account. Thanks for pointing out this.

H XU (@guest_1912630)
September 16, 2024 09:25

confirmed, has to be 1000 during application

but you can call to ask them to cancel application and re-apply

at least it can save on your ChexSystems

H XU (@guest_1912122)
September 15, 2024 08:58

so how many DD in total needed for the $500? 2 or 4?

confused by this “two additional” in (with at least two additional qualifying direct deposits)

Ashley (@guest_1912140)
September 15, 2024 09:41

I read it as two in the first 90 days for the first 250 and than another two deposits in a year for another 250

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1912176)
September 15, 2024 11:14

You need to have 2 QDDs for a total for $500+ within the 1st 90 days of account opening for the 1st $250. You then need to have 2+ QDDs post sometime in the following 9 months to unlock the 2nd $250. There is no minimum amount stated for the 3rd & 4th DDs.

I will probably just send $250+ of DDs every month to be safe.

Remember to make sure to always keep your account balance at $1K+ or you forfeit the bonus.

H XU (@guest_1912199)
September 15, 2024 11:43

got it

thanks for detailed explanation

Ashley (@guest_1912902)
September 16, 2024 16:16

Ah so could you do it in the first 90 days than say two in month 4 and qualify?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1913675)
September 17, 2024 16:29

Yes, per the terms, that should work.

Finesse (@guest_1913934)
September 17, 2024 21:26

I read as min $1000 balance to avoid monthly fee. I did not see anything about forfeiting the bonus.
Can you clarify?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1914268)
September 18, 2024 10:41

Sure. See the bolded part of the below line that I pulled from the terms.

“If the minimum daily balance falls below $1,000 a $7.00 per month service fee will be charged, and the customer will not be eligible for the $250 bonus.”