Currently the AmEx EveryDay & AmEx EverDay Preferred are not accepting new applications with all landing pages including referrals resulting in errors (looks like the Cash Magnet card is also resulting in errors).
I suspect these cards are either being discontinued entirely or are being refreshed and applications will go live again once the changes are announced. American Express said they would refresh 40 products this year and earlier this year the card designs on these cards were updated. If I had to guess it would be on these cards being refreshed.
Hat tip to /r/amex
The referral offer on my EDP got updated to $100, and the referred can browse any card. (Previously it was $15k MR, and the link offered to open the EDP, and one needed to click a button to browse.)
I have one of these – on account info – has this message
Same Card, New Look: The design of your Card has been updated in your digital account. Nothing else about your Card has changed and you can continue to use the Card you have today. Explore Your Benefits
I had that message about 2 months ago. The design was updated to match the Blue Cash Preferred and Blue Cash Everyday cards, just white.
Interestingly it was not updated in Google Pay, but I just got the Google Pay offer on an AU card, and when I added it, it got the new look. So now I got two EveryDay cards in Google Pay, with different designs.
Recently got a survey about my opinion on Amex EveryDay. Wonder whether existing customers will get converted into something…
[removed link]
That wasn’t any new info? Just a rehash of our post.
People on r/Amex claimed that the CSR told them all 3 cards are discontinued
Given the cards just got a new design, that’s unlikely.
One thought, maybe AMEX has decided to release the COBALT card in the USA. Apparently, it’s quite popular in Canada.
didn’t they shut down a lot of colbalt people in canada
It would be nice for Amex to keep a no annual fee card in their lineup. I would suggest 1.5 on everything and a cell phone credit.
P2 just got his Everyday Preferred card replaced and it’s no longer clear.
What’s it look like?
Since these are the Amex cards that give bigger bonuses only with many purchases, maybe that’s the part that’s changing?
In the past, I heard people say that they made tons of 1 cent purchases online to get to enough purchases. Maybe there’s planning on restricting it so it’s only purchases of a certain kind or certain amount that trigger the bonus?
And/or maybe they’re planning on changing the number of purchases required to get the bigger bonus?
P2 had the no fee version of the EveryDay card. Two months ago they offered 15K points to upgrade to the fee version of the ED Preferred, which we accepted. Strange they would change this card shortly after making such an offer.
Same here, back in July, which I accepted. The offer had been present in my account for a while prior to that. This is my second time upgrading the same Everyday card.