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Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2021125)
March 12, 2025 07:04


I was able to find my old comment that got deleted in the great purge that happened last night. What say you?

I just looked at the previous terms mentioned in this post. It showed “have not had an open membership within the last 18 months”. All they did was replace “open membership” with “open checking account”. That adds credence to them making an error rather than it being intentional.

The real question is how come you didn’t state “anyone that has an open membership” with anything is not eligible for the previous iteration of the bonus! That would have saved a lot of people from applying. 😉

Waldo (@guest_2021063)
March 12, 2025 00:46

Any AMEX funding DPs?

david (@guest_2021040)
March 11, 2025 23:30

Is it 1k cc funding per account, or 500 per account, or 1k in total regardless of how many you sign up for?

The bonus is clearly not worth it, but I wouldn’t mind 1k funding per account. Especially if you can open up multiple savings/checkings/CDs

S (@guest_2021053)
March 12, 2025 00:20

$1k total across any accounts you open. I made it through the opening process in Feb when they prematurely posted. After claiming they’d honor the bonus, I spoke with a rep the other day who said they wouldn’t since one of the offer terms is not already having a checking account. Seems like they tweaked the terms to prevent the free checking from qualifying now, too.

docfin (@guest_2021078)
March 12, 2025 01:23

Is the credit card funding available all the time or just when you open your initial account? Is the credit card charged as a purchase or cash advance?

Does REV cu run Chex each time you open an account?

S (@guest_2021092)
March 12, 2025 01:51

As far as I know, just during initial funding (they send you an account setup link, you can do subsequent card funding from it after opening if still in the initial window). My card coded it as “rev funding/business” and didn’t appear to code as cash advance. Not sure if they run chex every time, just opened the initial accounts during their fake-out promo.

Peek (@guest_2020989)
March 11, 2025 22:42

This one is definitely not worth it. DD or transfer, plus $500 in purchases per month for a whole year? And if you miss just one month they can clawback the bonus? Hard pass. They clearly learned when they posted the other one early. So many people will not read these requirements in detail and will be pissed when they don’t see a payout.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2021130)
March 12, 2025 07:08

From the looks of it I might be the only one that ends up applying and I will certainly read the requirements in detail before doing so. 😉

Peek (@guest_2021133)
March 12, 2025 07:24

HA. I don’t mean anyone on this site, I mean just some random person who thinks, “wow I can get $200 dollars” and doesn’t realize the hoops necessary to get a payout, and avoid a clawback. Reading the page all of this is there but the fact that it’s 12 months of debits is buried in the fine print.

Jjohn8219 (@guest_2020968)
March 11, 2025 22:26

This is another helpful one. Spend $500 a month with their debit card as opposed to a 3% CC, and you’ve already lost $180… If someone falls for it, I won’t be THAT surprised if they again refuse to pay 😉

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2021126)
March 12, 2025 07:06


Why not purchase an item that cannot be purchased with a credit card like I implied here: #2020930 ?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2021129)
March 12, 2025 07:07

BTW, “refuse to pay” is not really fair to them. The terms that were laid out previously were impossible to complete. Many people knew this but applied anyway!

Jjohn8219 (@guest_2021171)
March 12, 2025 08:50

What happened would show bad faith on their part, and might be VERY difficult to defend — even legally. Anyone who completed all *technically feasible* portions of the bonus should expect a full payout. Don’t you really think this is fair?

In any event, good luck if you still elect to apply. But I believe people should at least be aware of relevant precedents if they decide to apply for a bonus just because….well, it was posted on DoC!😉

S (@guest_2020926)
March 11, 2025 21:35

Is it $500/month spend or just electronically deposit $500 each month?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2020930)
March 11, 2025 21:37

Both are required each month. However it’s not bad as it sounds.

The spend can be done by purchasing “grocery” items using your PIN and the $500 DD can be any ACH deposit.

jed (@guest_2021157)
March 12, 2025 08:22

terms would be easy enough to meet if only ACME hadn’t stopped taking vanillas around me. Used to take the long way home once a week to hit up 5-6 of them on my way home, but can’t be bothered to go that far out of the way for one stop once a month, especially if that’s my only reason for going it’d be extremely likely I’d forget at least once and be hosed.

TRJ (@guest_2021203)
March 12, 2025 09:45

Good point. However, having to do this every month for a year is a bit much for me to get $200. I am moving on.

Meg (@guest_2020905)
March 11, 2025 21:04

Definite pass. Not spending $500 a month on their cards.