Links To Chase’s Guide To Benefits For Each Credit Card

Update 9/27/19: For some reason, Chase has removed all of the guide to benefits and they are no longer available online.

Chase makes their ‘guide to benefits’ available online for each of their credit cards at The annoying thing is that Chase asks you to refer to the insert, letter or e-mail for details regarding your specific card. If you’re anything like me, you usually lose/throw this out almost immediately. I’m also trying to review all of the Chase cards at the moment and read these guide to benefits is extremely helpful for those reviews so I thought I’d put together a list of links for each Chase card. This list is based off Rapid Travel Chai’s list from 2014 with my own additions, please list any links we’re missing in the comments below.

Chase Branded Cards


Hyatt Cards


Southwest Cards

United Cards

Generic Visa

Final Thoughts

You’ll notice that all of the Marriott, British Airways, Disney, IHG & Amazon cards are missing. As far as I’m aware they all just use the generic Visa/Mastercard links found above. If you find any that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments below.


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Justmeha (@guest_1519451)
December 26, 2022 18:51
Peter (@guest_1431337)
August 24, 2022 12:27

Hyatt VISA benefits PDF link is not working. Please post an updated working link if possible.

Josh (@guest_814689)
September 25, 2019 13:31

 William Charles It looks like Chase killed all of these pages for some reason, mentioning to check out the information that was sent when you opened the account :(. I did find a Chase Ink Preferred pdf copy here though:

Robert (@guest_711482)
January 24, 2019 19:14

Link for United Mileage Plus Explorer Business Card doesn’t work.

Jab (@guest_661643)
October 22, 2018 20:39

For chase sapphire visa signature this seem to be the most relevant Effective 8/26/18 BGC10750, matches the latest guide sent via mail.

Reder (@guest_649246)
September 29, 2018 14:16

The newest one for CSR link is: (notice the 2 at the end of the URL)

qmc (@guest_554546)
January 26, 2018 03:12

Chase broke their ink preferred again

Ian (@guest_506533)
November 2, 2017 09:44

FYI: My Chase Amazon Rewards Visa Signature (the non-Prime version) has the same rewards structure as the first Generic Visa Signature link (, based on an email Chase sent me a couple of months back.

Also, since the re-design/re-boot of the Amazon credit cards back in January 2017, my card was “upgraded” to Visa Signature, even though my credit limit has remained at $1000. Not sure if all Amazon Rewards cards now have Signature benefits.

TimK (@guest_505361)
November 1, 2017 16:12

I tried to use the cell phone protection that the business preferred offers. Forget it. You have to jump through many hoops and even after all that they can reject it at there discretion.

It was not worth the time or effort. The lady on the phone also told me that I had to exhaust any other option I had first. Ex. Home owners, cell phone company protection plan. Then I had to provide documents that I tried to file claims with these places first before they would except just letting me file my claim.

Some of these perks that are offered simply are almost impossible to use.

Jeremy (@guest_505300)
November 1, 2017 15:19

Do you have the guide for the Ink Cash?

Jeremy (@guest_508695)
November 4, 2017 12:39


Apparently Chase has a website advertising the benefits, but I can’t find the .pdf.

Tofu House
Tofu House (@guest_594122)
May 13, 2018 22:01