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tikachu (@guest_702211)
January 8, 2019 00:11


11/2 Account opened
12/3 $500 DD from payroll
1/4 $200 bonus posts

SamSimon (@guest_661854)
October 23, 2018 10:10

Friend account!
From Santander to Keybank – “Oct 10 ach,santander bank payment Fname Lname”
BONUS – “Oct 22 gift from key bank for recent offer Misc $300.00”

SamSimon (@guest_658849)
October 16, 2018 23:21

From PAYPAL to Keybank – “Oct 03 ach,paypal transfer 1003972953454”
BONUS – “Oct 15 gift from key bank for recent offer Misc $300.00”

Richard B Joachim
Richard B Joachim (@guest_724313)
February 19, 2019 15:12

How did you set up the paypal transaction?

ed (@guest_655782)
October 11, 2018 13:20

Anyone find it possible to downgrade to Hassle Free Checking after securing the bonus with Express Checking? On the phone they said not possible but a branch ‘might be able to help.’

SamSimon (@guest_648898)
September 28, 2018 11:34

“We’ll add these to our best checking bonus page.” this offer is not on the bonus page. You can get bonus then downgrade. Also they waive the fees for 3 months.

William Charles
September 29, 2018 22:24

Thanks, will add.

psh (@guest_615827)
July 11, 2018 19:37

Successfully opened in Portland area. 15/24 and 6/12 on checking accounts.
Wife was denied due to chex though. She was also 15/24 and 6/12.
Only real difference I can see was the employment – she is a homemaker so she selected Unemployed (income) and Income Source of Other – Spouse. Any similar experiences?

Gerry (@guest_615756)
July 11, 2018 17:49

How can I verify if my employer is a member of Key@Work? I work for the biggest employer in Rochester, NY (URMC).

Kevin (@guest_628160)
August 9, 2018 01:44

same question

KC (@guest_615591)
July 11, 2018 10:34

My DP:
Opened Express Checking online 6/22 ($50 opening deposit from my main checking acct cleared 6/25)
$500 ACH push from E*Trade brokerage acct 6/25
$200 bonus posted 7/10

Will (@guest_614724)
July 9, 2018 02:28

Hey  William Charles or anybody who can answer.. to avoid monthly fees.. we just need 8 “customer initiated transfers.” First time I’ve seen this at any bank as a way to avoid fees. Is it safe to assume that ACH transfers initiated from a third party bank count as the 8? If so, I guess I’m thinking to do 8x automatic $1 transfers per month, just in case my $500 ACH transfer doesn’t count as DD.

Beefer (@guest_614748)
July 9, 2018 08:12

Yes, you can schedule 8 $1 transfers.

Amy (@guest_611687)
July 2, 2018 13:56

I find it unusual that I am getting the ads although I am no where near a targeted area. I live in Ga. Fortunately I check this website before I open an account!