Retailmenot App Deals: Staples, Macy’s & Walgreens

The Offers

  • Retailmenot has loaded some new offers into the app:
    • Staples: Spend $140+ & get $7 cash back
    • Macy’s: Spend $150+ & get $10 cash back
    • Walgreens: Spend $50+ & get $5 cash back
    • Home Depot: Spend $300 & get $15 back
    • CVS: Spend $80 & get $4 back

Our Verdict

I believe Retailmenot now lets you reuse offers but you’re limited to a maximum of 10 per month. Usually the terms excluded gift cards, in practice that hasn’t been enforced (but YMMV and who knows if a claw back will happen. According to this comment they didn’t work at CVS/Kohls). Deals are better when you stack, some options:

Hat tip to reader Jordan

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Gigabyte (@guest_648822)
September 28, 2018 09:25

I can confirm that I got $10 cash back each from Walgreens and CVS for ebay gift cards. I will be making another round before these offers expires on 9/30.

It took 4 days for the cash back to be available in the app. You can send it to your PayPal account instantly with no minimum amount to accumulate.

newbie (@guest_643849)
September 18, 2018 00:35

Looks like better offer is back $10 back with purchase of $25+ at Walgreens

Celia (@guest_643852)
September 18, 2018 00:46

I’ve got $10 back with $20+ purchase at Staples, Walgreens, Home Depot, and Macy’s.

Ropo (@guest_643819)
September 17, 2018 23:20

Some data points for buying gift cards:
– RMN tracked (for personal cards) for Walgreens, Home Depot
– didn’t track for Macy’s, CVS
– too scared to try Staples, differing DPs

Has anyone tried at Nordstrom Rack?

newbie (@guest_643850)
September 18, 2018 00:38

Staples had worked for me when. they had offer for 7 dollars back with purchase of 140 or more. I purchased 200 VGC and triggered 7 dollars back

EW (@guest_643022)
September 15, 2018 15:03

$50 Amazon gc using Chase Freedom at Walgreens triggered the $5 reward for me

Deirdres (@guest_639438)
September 6, 2018 12:08

I generally stay away from the Vanilla VGC, but I bought one today at Walgreens, I use VGC at WM for MOs, will the Vanilla’s work as well as USBank and Meta’s at WM?

arch (@guest_644933)
September 20, 2018 11:24

Deidres–Vanillas won’t work at WM. Did the VGC purchase at Walgreen’s work for getting the Cash back from Retailmenot?

Information Booth
Information Booth (@guest_639197)
September 5, 2018 19:22

Walgreens also earns pts on the Drop app. If you’re new to Drop… use Will or Chuck’s referral codes to sign up. John 3:16

Willy (@guest_639200)
September 5, 2018 19:23

Can that be stacked with Spent?

Information Booth
Information Booth (@guest_639618)
September 6, 2018 18:40

Willy … I haven’t seen any app. that can’t be stacked with Drop. John 3:16

Neil (@guest_639165)
September 5, 2018 18:18

If you have a Wells Fargo card you should be able to stack these with the Staples and Macy’s 50% cash back offers that expire 9/23. See DoC previous post on these

Willy (@guest_639123)
September 5, 2018 16:15

My email used for my RMN account was different than the email associated with my Paypal account. When i went into my RMN profile to change it, my cashback erased to $0. Any ideas?

Eddy Cue
Eddy Cue (@guest_639141)
September 5, 2018 17:06

No tips about the cash back. But for future reference, you can always add additional emails to your PayPal account to allow for transactions or transfers to you.

Superchurn (@guest_639148)
September 5, 2018 17:31

excellent to know about this. i’m in the same boat as Willy, so i’ll add my RMN email to paypal and hope that lets me cash out

bax (@guest_638967)
September 5, 2018 09:44

Looks like RMN doesn’t track spend on BoA biz CC. Switched to a personal CC and it tracked.

TheTaxman_Cometh (@guest_638945)
September 5, 2018 08:54

Spent app has 1% back at Walgreens so if you’re buying $500 GC you come out a little ahead at $5.06 back.

Jeff (@guest_638952)
September 5, 2018 09:16

Spent didn’t track for me last week buying 2 × $500 VGC at Walgreens. Not as reliable as RMN.

TheTaxman_Cometh (@guest_638958)
September 5, 2018 09:22

So far it has tracked for me every time. All of these are YMMV with gift cards, even RMN

Mimi (@guest_638991)
September 5, 2018 10:25

It has consistently tracked for me for WAG and there’s no min amount to cashout so I cashout soon as it’s available and re-link offer for another round. I just started doing the app in August 2018. Spent 1% has also tracked well, great tandem.

For those with OBC (NLA for sign ups) and have met the $6.5K threshold, best card to use.

El Loco
El Loco (@guest_639005)
September 5, 2018 10:58

Did it stack RMN and Spent? I couldn’t get Spent to track.

guy bucktastik
guy bucktastik (@guest_639071)
September 5, 2018 13:53

Can you product change a bce or bcp into an obc?

Celia (@guest_638973)
September 5, 2018 09:53

What is the activation fee for a $500 VGC at Walgreens?

Kaung (@guest_638982)
September 5, 2018 10:13

It’s been $5.95 for me.

Celia (@guest_639032)
September 5, 2018 11:55

Thanks. I was thinking of maxing out my Freedom at Walgreens, thought that might be a good option.

Mimi (@guest_638987)
September 5, 2018 10:18

My store still has OVs with $4.95 fees so I choose those instead of the regular vanillas with $5.95 fees.

RB (@guest_639018)
September 5, 2018 11:13

Yesterday I split payments and put $36 on a card linked to my RMN account for the Staples spend $30 in-store get $5 back offer which expired yesterday. This is for a $200 visa GC purchase at Staples with the no fee offer currently going on. But RMN did not track for me. So it seems to be a YMMV situation on all these Apps (Spent, RMN etc.).

Celia (@guest_639033)
September 5, 2018 11:57

I just checked my status on the website, I got the $20 for online (master card no fee deal) and the $5 is pending from the Visa no-fee deal on RMN. Didn’t get an email or other notification on either. Might be worth a look at the Rewards section.

LS (@guest_639380)
September 6, 2018 09:32

What are OVs?