Abra App (Crypto Wallet): Watch Talk & Get Crypto

The Offer

  • Abra app (cryptocurrency) is offering a give away when you watch Money Talks this Friday Friday at 9am pst

Our Verdict

Last time they did this it was $30 in CPRX. This time it just says giveaway, so no idea the amount. I imagine it’ll be less than $30 but who knows.

Hat tip to reader Davis

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bd (@guest_1308281)
January 3, 2022 00:26

See reply below for black friday promotion…i fulfilled all conditions and still did not get rewards…

We thank you for your interest. We are sorry for the late response.

The Black Friday promotion brought in a ton of volume and the number of users who entered their UID and completed the stipulations of depositing the minimum and holding funds.

Our original payout time frame was extended to make sure all who were on the list of original users who entered their UID were payout.

At this time, we have reached the number of users who submitted their UID that day and completed the stipulations required. Thus, you will not receive this payout as you were not on our original list from that event.

We apologize for the inconvenience but appreciate your understanding.

AndreRamirez (@guest_1304651)
December 24, 2021 22:08

Didnt pay out the last bonus and now only giving out this to 12 people. Stupid joke

aqua (@guest_1305006)
December 26, 2021 20:42

Click upper right hand icon in the abra app
Must click “join now” to enroll in the CPRX program
You will then receive your CPRX from the black friday giveaway
You will also see “pending cprx” that will deposit when you enroll

AndreRamirez (@guest_1305168)
December 27, 2021 12:11

looks like you were right, thank you!

sg77 (@guest_1305177)
December 27, 2021 12:29

I was already enrolled in the CPRX program, and the black friday bonus still hasn’t posted for me.

JDT112 (@guest_1306213)
December 29, 2021 17:01

Same situation here and now their support system doesn’t allow you to submit a ticket. Super dumb and annoying. They couldn’t have handled this any worse, IMO.

Chris (@guest_1304306)
December 23, 2021 15:44

Never got the last bonus, no response from customer service. Now they are limiting this to a lousy 12 people. Don’t bother with Abra.

AD (@guest_1304316)
December 23, 2021 16:02

Agreed. They froze my account for reasons they “can’t disclose due to privacy” and have ghosted me since. I’m gonna call the $50 I deposited last time a loss and moveon.org. Not a company I want to do business with.

Dan (@guest_1304349)
December 23, 2021 18:10

Precisely my experience. Total scam.

Sue (@guest_1304236)
December 23, 2021 12:32

Giveaway’s a joke this time. Also wish I had dumped Abra as soon as I got them.

Ryan Michael Bednarski
Ryan Michael Bednarski (@guest_1304235)
December 23, 2021 12:29

12 winners? I’ll pass

bbb (@guest_1304192)
December 23, 2021 11:23

Ain’t nobody got time for this shit

Peek (@guest_1304175)
December 23, 2021 11:04

This bonus is different, email received, only 12 winners, I wonder if there will even be 12:

“Abra is excited to announce a special opportunity for Money Talks viewers. Watch this Friday’s episode for a chance to win $30 in CPRX in our “12 Pays of Crypt-mas” giveaway.

How to Participate

Enter your wallet ID into a form (link in YouTube description). Only one entry per person.
Wallet IDs that are submitted in the live stream chat will be ineligible for the giveaway.
To be eligible, you must enter your user ID into the form from 9:00am to 9:45am (PT) on Friday, December 24, 2021. Entries submitted before or after this time won’t be eligible.
The Abra team will review the form and choose 12 winners at random. Each winner gets $30 in CPRX.
We’ll send CPRX to the winners in 7 – 14 business days and announce on social media when the winners have been selected.”

Attended the last one, opened two tickets, various automated replies, never a single word from an actual person. No bonus. I will be attending and asking why they never paid. Oh, and their spread is higher than any other exchange I’ve used as far as swapping coins. Even Voyager which is known to be a bit high has nothing on Abra.

tommy (@guest_1304158)
December 23, 2021 10:30

I never got the previous bonus either and their coin keeps tanking

L (@guest_1304152)
December 23, 2021 10:06

Abra sucks.

Lewis (@guest_1304149)
December 23, 2021 10:01

The video page does say it is just a 12 person giveaway this time “12 lucky Abra users will be randomly chosen after the show to receive $30 in crypto!”. I have not had any problems with the app/platform but did participate in the Black Friday promotion and have not received the deposit. He said last week that they are a few weeks behind on processing. Who knows, I am guessing a lot more people participated than they expected on Black Friday and they are overwhelmed, which is why they are only 12 people this time.

Peek (@guest_1304190)
December 23, 2021 11:20

I call BS. There were only like 2k people on that money talks on 11/26. A simple script to parse through for wallet ids, check for dups and then a script to call their API to give out the funds. For any decent developer this is a 1 day task, at most.

sg77 (@guest_1304258)
December 23, 2021 13:24

Even if it’s easy, I can imagine a scenario where they just have a couple developers and they’re working on 100 other problems that are higher priority before they get around to writing this script. It still makes them look bad, but I haven’t put them in the scammer category yet.

Peek (@guest_1304351)
December 23, 2021 18:16

It’s possible but when you have a promotion you setup how you will pay it BEFORE it happens not after. They seem to have plenty of time to craft promotional emails. It seems I get one a day.

Lewis (@guest_1304347)
December 23, 2021 17:46

You can call BS if you want, but I am just reporting what he said on subsequent streams and the fact that the Black Friday stream had a massively higher amount of people and chat. The entire stream was literally people spamming codes incessantly and repeatedly. I am not disagreeing with your theory, but the promotion not only required that you post your wallet ID, but the user also had to comply with other terms such as making a deposit within a certain period of time. I am not justifying anything, but simply reporting reality versus what you perceive as an easy task as an outsider. I personally think the promotion was silly and not delivering on it is very poor optics considering it is now nearly a month. What is even more annoying is people are still incessantly spamming their wallet IDs on every stream now even when there is not a promotion. People should continue to bug him about it though.