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JDT112 (@guest_1916098)
September 20, 2024 14:31

Just some clarity on this. This is in response to lots of check fraud and other fraud that hit Fidelity similar to the Chase Boys TikTok trend. “Accounts with substantial assets are not supposed to be as affected. This is expected to be temporary and is NOT a slowly rolling out process to all clientele.” Mostly aimed at preventing brand new accounts from attempting to defraud Fidelity. I imagine the website will have some more transparent verbiage soon.

Novacat05 (@guest_1916031)
September 20, 2024 13:18

This is a reason I haven’t/can’t use them as my main hub. I recently started using my account I opened a couple years ago, to do 5 figure transactions for a couple bank bonuses, as well as store some readily available cash since SPAXX is getting 4.91%. Their limits are very high, well into 6 figures, but the hold times are usually 3-4 days. I have not seen any hold times measured in weeks yet. Same day pushes are great, and it codes as DD way more often than Sofi or other banks. They did let me link to another bank account in P2’s name, but they only allow pushes to it, I cannot pull in.

I just linked Laurel Road to them, for some reason they wouldn’t let me do trial deposits, and after putting in account numbers they made me do a secure upload of a statement, all in all it took almost 2 weeks to link up. A week for the request to even be seen, then a notice that they started working on it, and it was still a few days away from being active/able to use. I’m interested to see if it codes as a real DD for Laurel Road as they tightened things up this spring. I can use real DD, but this would be easier.

Atomic (@guest_1916091)
September 20, 2024 14:29

Wow, I was about to say, I had to upload a statement for Laurel Road as well and am currently waiting. I linked Ally and U.S. Bank the same day with no issues.

MoreSun (@guest_1916019)
September 20, 2024 12:56

Among the more interesting highlights on reddit was claim of a supposedly Chase style glitch hitting them. Wonder how much Fidelity got taken for?

MoreSun (@guest_1916017)
September 20, 2024 12:51

Scanning the Reddit thread this fraud algo appears to have suddenly gone amuck and conveniently results in Fidelity holding cash for weeks that otherwise might leave the bank… brb my tinfoil hat is calling.

In all seriousness though, anyone told this 3 week bs should CFPB. Not saying you’ll get access to your dough any faster but make them justify why not on record. Enough complaints and regulators might get involved due to Reg CC. Interesting bit here on Reg CC and ACH debits vs credits

G (@guest_1916008)
September 20, 2024 12:41

They did not warn the long hold when you submit transfer, still saying up to 5 business days, but the transfer status then show some date in Oct

David (@guest_1915989)
September 20, 2024 12:26

I have transferred to the Individual brokerage (not CMA) and my deposits are available the next day for withdraw with no hold. If I use the CMA there is a three week hold.

Nap (@guest_1915987)
September 20, 2024 12:24

Pulled in >$25k two days ago, available for withdrawal today.

John (@guest_1915984)
September 20, 2024 12:23

I have stopped using Fidelity bill pay about a year ago after they messed up one of my payments and I saw the process to get that resolved. I’m using BofA for bill pay. Their resolution process is ahead of Fidelity if payment doesn’t post.

Rob (@guest_1915988)
September 20, 2024 12:25

This is a big fear of mine. Can you share how it happened and if there are any steps customers can take to make sure bill pay transactions process smoothly every time? Thanks!

Jared (@guest_1915982)
September 20, 2024 12:21

I’ve only had the account for a few months and still have $25k in new deposits accessible to me as soon as the same day (as recently as from Discover this week, initiating the pull on the Fidelity side). Anything >$25k has had a wait time of about 4 business days.

Cromerica Industries
Cromerica Industries (@guest_1915985)
September 20, 2024 12:23

This has been my experience as well. Account(s) Opened in Late May / Early June. No issues yet.

Dylan (@guest_1915979)
September 20, 2024 12:19

This doesn’t help everyone but this is a big reason I try to do ACH pushes whenever possible. Although getting bill payments cancelled is a pretty huge fuckup.