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Shawn (@guest_1780454)
January 18, 2024 11:55

10/7/2023 – Opened account with GET200 code
12/4/2023 – $150X Push from TreasuryDirect (coded as DDIR)
12/8/2023 – “Treat yourself. $200 is yours!” email received
1/18/2024 – $200 bonus posted

This one was very frustrating. First, I never received a confirmation email. This was one of the first bonuses I tried, so I was naive and did not take screenshots. Chat refused to confirm the promo was attached to my account. Decided to risk it anyways.

The email said “The Benjamins are already in your Spending Account”, but the bonus didn’t actually post for over a month and past the deadline in the terms.

Yana (@guest_1775976)
January 11, 2024 16:19

Just received an email from Ally for a referral bonus.

Sharing is caring
(and it pays well).
Share your personal link and we’ll reward you $50 each for the first 5 people who successfully open and fund an Ally Bank Savings Account. Your referrals can receive up to $125 from us too.

Here’s your personal link:

Nathan (@guest_1776014)
January 11, 2024 17:25

Ya also got this referral promo. Will there be place to share our links or no?

temp (@guest_1771660)
January 5, 2024 14:31

Opened early 10/2023, attempted 1.5k wise w/o memo mid 10/2023, no bonus (still getting email that I need to DD by x date to receive bonus), attempted 1.5k wise w/ Payroll in memo late 12/2023, bonus posted on today.

For wise I had it pull from my ally MMA into checking, worked fine

newguy (@guest_1767929)
December 31, 2023 10:46

Any reason to keep the checking account open? As per T&C, anyways we are ineligible for any other offer till Dec 31, 2024.

MF (@guest_1765171)
December 25, 2023 23:57

How do people do deposits from Wise? Can someone explain? Does Wise allow you to ACH money into it from one bank and then out to Ally? I have a Wise personal account, if that matters. Thanks.

L (@guest_1765218)
December 26, 2023 06:44
Indy (@guest_1762895)
December 21, 2023 16:42

They’re denying me this time because I have a savings account. It seemed to me that the fine print specified “Ally Bank Spending Account(s)” ? No?

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek 🔗 (@guest_1762929)
December 21, 2023 17:41

Plenty of people here had an existing savings acct AND got the spending acct bonus. (My P1 & P2 included) Escalate the complaint, or CFPB. It did not say you needed to be a new Ally Bank customer.

Jane (@guest_1754009)
December 8, 2023 05:53

acc opened in october
10/23 – real dd 130
11/6 – real dd 370
11/17 – real dd 333
11/27 – wise memo payroll 666, email from ally “your direct deposit just posted”
12/1 – real dd 300
12/7 – bonus posted
I was worried from seeing recent DPs saying wise wasn’t counting but it seems like it still works!

briguy (@guest_1749088)
December 1, 2023 12:30


Opened account in early October
10/4 – $1520 deposit from Wise with memo “payroll”
10/12 – $800 real DD since I wasn’t sure Wise would work
10/12 – $200 bonus posts

Fred F
Fred F (@guest_1747531)
November 29, 2023 06:53

Thanks to the fool who called Ally asking why his Schwab push didn’t trigger the bonus, my delayed Schwab push coded as Deposit. What to do now? I am thinking to try Amex biz checking or Plynk..

louis (@guest_1746436)
November 27, 2023 15:07

Failure DP:
8/24 Opened Account
9/05 >$1500 WISE deposit
9/13 $1000 withdrawal
11/27 No bonus. Well past 30 days for bonys to post, and too late to try another method.

Can’t win them all! Guess I should try and schedule in reminders to check for the bonus when the terms state the bonus will payout within x days.

Dominique (@guest_1751620)
December 5, 2023 12:23

Did you include “Payroll” in the memo field on your Wise transfer?

louis (@guest_1757735)
December 13, 2023 18:08

No I did not.