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Guy (@guest_1647350)
July 5, 2023 00:55

Applied and set up a $50 recurring from Ally Savings to Ally Self-Directed Trading Account. No mention that it must be from an external bank account. I’m confident this will work!

Guy (@guest_1578865)
March 17, 2023 06:25

I received this targeted offer on 03/16/23
How it works:
1 Open an eligible Ally Invest Self-Directed Trading account or Robo Portfolio by 12/31/2023.
2 Set up and start a $50 minimum monthly recurring transfer within 30 days of opening your account. Then complete at least 3 consecutive monthly transfers.
3 Keep your Ally Invest account open and in good standing to receive your $100 cash bonus, which will be available in your account within 30 days after your third monthly recurring transfer.
Note: This exclusive promo can only be activated using the links within this email.

Peek (@guest_1537956)
January 19, 2023 15:34

 William Charles Just got a targeted offer similar to this for $100, doesn’t seem to have any minimum. See comment with imgur link.

“To participate in this cash bonus offer, you must open an eligible account through the links provided on this page. You must open your eligible account by 2/22/23, set up automated recurring transfers and make a minimum of 3 monthly automated recurring transfers by 5/23/23.”

Peek (@guest_1537958)
January 19, 2023 15:35
Yao Ko
Yao Ko (@guest_1538197)
January 19, 2023 20:40

I got it too, but it clearly says that it’s targeted.

mangorunner (@guest_1538222)
January 19, 2023 21:13

I received the same $100 targeted offer via email, today.
Email subject: “A cash bonus offer? That’s so 2023.”

Jimmy (@guest_1538438)
January 20, 2023 08:59

I was targeted as well. Can the recurring transfers be from an internal Ally account?

Memphis-Marc (@guest_1538471)
January 20, 2023 09:41

looks very similar to the Fidelity and Schwab bonuses, and I just set up three $50 monthly transfers to get an easy $100

Matt D.
Matt D. (@guest_1525956)
January 4, 2023 13:44

Just a note on this, according to the fine print your scheduled transfer if suppose to still be active at the time of bonus payout. I cancelled mine after last transfer, so I went ahead and scheduled a new one, hope I’m good to go. I got the email for $2000 transferred in over the 3 months, so broke it down into 500 transfers after an initial deposit to reach the 2000.

Matt D.
Matt D. (@guest_1531430)
January 11, 2023 17:48

My bonus didn’t post so had to call in and have a 30 minute phone call. The rep said they are going to take care of it and manually post the $100, but we’ll see!

Ders (@guest_1540169)
January 23, 2023 09:44

Still also have not received my bonus. Anyone ever actually get paid for this?

Pascal (@guest_1441240)
September 8, 2022 17:48

I just got the email, but with a $5,000 minimum. I don’t see anything requiring the money actually be left in the account. Setup automatic transfers for $1, deposit $5,000, then immediately move the money back out?

Paul (@guest_1433564)
August 28, 2022 16:35

I agree with Mark E. I would not recommend Ally Invest for many reasons, top among them is poor functionality of website. On the other hand I still love and use my Ally “Bank” account.

FJBiden (@guest_1504224)
December 7, 2022 16:04

Their bank is OK, their brokerage is terrible with no actual support. I tried to open a brokerage account and even after their bankers intervened they could not get it set up. Etrade is the easiest to open and use, but many others are good too. Bonuses evaporate very fast if you can’t get your trades properly executed.

Teebee (@guest_1432309)
August 25, 2022 23:32

Last Spring I did a $250 bonus for transferring in an old Roth account to them. 3 month later I received an email that “my investment needs were not in alignment with their business practices” and they closed my account. They suggested that I move the Roth to another brokerage, but because they had closed my account, my account details were no longer available on my account, and getting the money out was a frustrating process. That and the fact that their platform sucks, I don’t recommend doing this.

ArcLight (@guest_1432014)
August 25, 2022 12:12

Mine is even worst, require $7500, I’ll pass

Bob (@guest_1431686)
August 24, 2022 20:47

Beware the current debit card fraud ****storm with Ally.

20201103 (@guest_1431698)
August 24, 2022 21:10

You can (and should) lock your Ally debit card by app or online.

Landon (@guest_1433533)
August 28, 2022 15:26

I got a notification my card got used last month and have *never* used it. Thankfully it’s disabled and declined. Clearly there is some leak on Ally’s side.

CSF (@guest_1431685)
August 24, 2022 20:45

Mine is worse: Deposit a minimum of $2,000 (if you haven’t already via automated recurring deposits) by 12/21/2022.

John (@guest_1431982)
August 25, 2022 11:12

Worse still… My wife got a $100 for $5000 in deposits offer. Sheesh, we can get that in a savings account right now.