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Eric (@guest_1503503)
December 6, 2022 21:13


There’s a new $250 offer. Bockrr posted the link here:

dave69 (@guest_1147273)
February 19, 2021 04:56

update: 02/14/2021 tried opening amalgamated, card funding option said debit only, tried putting in CC number anyways, error message: can not fund with CC

Lei (@guest_557711)
February 5, 2018 15:42

DP: bank account closed for 30 continuous days with zero balance and no login attempt.

Ferris (@guest_392344)
April 20, 2017 00:10

Just a data point, if you really don’t like what this bank stands for (like myself), I have been opening & closing accounts to MS $500 at a time when I get new credit cards. Obviously you should do this carefully and not too quickly. I’ve probably only done 3-4 accounts over the past year.

Austin (@guest_340157)
January 17, 2017 13:26

DP: Fidelity brokerage transfer still works to trigger Chase DD requirements as of mid January 2017

John (@guest_289448)
August 29, 2016 16:57

6/23: opened account with $500 from SWA Premier CC(posted as a purchase)
6/26 opened savings account with $500 from CSP card (posted as a purchase)
7/29 charged partial fee for checking account, about $4 net after offset credit
8/05 Payroll DD finally hits account
8/29 $150 “bonus” in account, no notation in account activity, balance just $150 higher than before.
Not the easiest bonus, but they add up!

JDoc13 (@guest_285867)
August 20, 2016 11:00

6/9: Applied for account; funded with $500 from Chase Freedom Unlimited
6/10: Account opened
6/16: $500 cleared (coded as purchase)
6/30: Direct deposit from work
7/1: $150 reward received
7/5: Account withdrawn to $0
7/21: Account downgraded to Affordable Checking
8/20: No long able to login to online account; it must have been closed

dan (@guest_282527)
August 9, 2016 16:36

opened an acct end of june; since haven’t got a chance to do a DD in july, got charged a $10 fee earlier in aug.; called to inquire about new acct would have 60 days window to do a DD & got a $10 credit back to the acct.

besides Chase xfer that worked form some folks, did anyone get the bonus from Penfed xfer? TIA

Eddy Cue
Eddy Cue (@guest_281574)
August 5, 2016 14:52

I’m being thrown for a loop by Amalgamated – I have previously ranted baove about the bonus not posting due to my DD not being recurring after a phone call with a rep. I had all but given up and written it off. I decided to chat with a rep online and now she says that my account does not have the bonus!!! What ridiculousness? I believe i followed all the steps but something’s fishy here (she may well be right).

I haven’t seen any DP of the bonus not posting especially after employer DD so maybe my account does not have the bonus indeed but i doubt that (no way of confirming without screenshots). Will probably try to call again and see if i get a 3rd opinion. After that I might just close the account

Kaywei (@guest_280953)
August 3, 2016 19:51

Opened my account on 6/30 and still no debit card. Called twice and apparently you have to call and ask for one, it’s not automatically sent. WTH? Anyway, I’ve completed a few $500 DD, but have no way to verify or access the money yet, which is super annoying. Hoping to get the card this week and then hunt down my bonus if it hasn’t posted yet.